To be fair, the reason that I shy away, is that I went down a dark path previously about Judaism, it would have been hard to distinguish me from a Natsoc for a time. I regret it and I hope to keep others from going down that path too. Not to mention, I leaned into some stuff I learned as a child, my mother's family is of german descent, and I very unfortunately, as I heard more and more propaganda, allowed pride, which I thought was under control to very seriously threaten my walk with Christ. The truth is, I don't know the truth about the Jewish people, but I know the Way the Truth and the Light, and the Lord pulled me away from all of that.
I changed my mind when I read Romans 11; and had realized that I hadn't been loving my neighbor. I amended my thinking, I repented; and I decided that since I didn't think I could truly know, that I would let God decide it for me, and I apologized to the Lord, and since then, I let only blessings leave my mouth towards them. It's very clear that Lord is not done with them, and since I can't know, I just don't want to be pronouncing things as if I do.
I have from God, from Christ, received incredible mercy in my life. I hope for mercy for all of them, since I myself found that I couldn't separate a sheep from a goat, as it were, but I know that He can. Also when I consider my former conduct, I used to actively wallow in sexual immorality, pride, and sinful behavior, so who am I that could judge even the most evil of all Jewish people? I'm worse.
I do agree with you, that we need to expose evil, plots, etc; but I wish I knew how to do it without pleasing the flesh. It may be my personal hangup.
I'm fighting the flesh everyday; it's a constant thorn, and ever present. Fasting is the only way I know how to make it stop for a time. Perhaps I project too much.
Your perspective does make sense now, give you background. Thank you for that!
I do find it hard to know when to speak or not speak on some wrongdoing a lot of the time as well. I guess sometimes it is better to say a pray than speak, alternatively.
I think we all struggle with the flesh. Even Paul. I used to fret over it because I didn't fully believe in eternal security. Now I understand that Eternal life is gained, forever, as soon as someone believes Jesus is the Christ, so I have more peace amid the struggle.
To be fair, the reason that I shy away, is that I went down a dark path previously about Judaism, it would have been hard to distinguish me from a Natsoc for a time. I regret it and I hope to keep others from going down that path too. Not to mention, I leaned into some stuff I learned as a child, my mother's family is of german descent, and I very unfortunately, as I heard more and more propaganda, allowed pride, which I thought was under control to very seriously threaten my walk with Christ. The truth is, I don't know the truth about the Jewish people, but I know the Way the Truth and the Light, and the Lord pulled me away from all of that.
I changed my mind when I read Romans 11; and had realized that I hadn't been loving my neighbor. I amended my thinking, I repented; and I decided that since I didn't think I could truly know, that I would let God decide it for me, and I apologized to the Lord, and since then, I let only blessings leave my mouth towards them. It's very clear that Lord is not done with them, and since I can't know, I just don't want to be pronouncing things as if I do.
I have from God, from Christ, received incredible mercy in my life. I hope for mercy for all of them, since I myself found that I couldn't separate a sheep from a goat, as it were, but I know that He can. Also when I consider my former conduct, I used to actively wallow in sexual immorality, pride, and sinful behavior, so who am I that could judge even the most evil of all Jewish people? I'm worse.
I do agree with you, that we need to expose evil, plots, etc; but I wish I knew how to do it without pleasing the flesh. It may be my personal hangup.
I'm fighting the flesh everyday; it's a constant thorn, and ever present. Fasting is the only way I know how to make it stop for a time. Perhaps I project too much.
May God bless you.
Your perspective does make sense now, give you background. Thank you for that!
I do find it hard to know when to speak or not speak on some wrongdoing a lot of the time as well. I guess sometimes it is better to say a pray than speak, alternatively.
I think we all struggle with the flesh. Even Paul. I used to fret over it because I didn't fully believe in eternal security. Now I understand that Eternal life is gained, forever, as soon as someone believes Jesus is the Christ, so I have more peace amid the struggle.
God bless you as well!