This kind of stuff should only be attempted by folks who are confident in their understanding of their local election laws, and ideally who know their election clerks and how the clerks will react.
In our state they are generous with provisional ballots, but it sounds like for u/CasuallyObservant that was not the case.
A voter doing this is going to confuse the average clerk mightily. Requesting a mail in ballot and not mailing it in will be a "How would you feel if you hadn't had breakfast yesterday?" sort of moment for many of them...
But Jovan Pulitzer may have seen some things in AZ to recommend this specifically. But what is the deal with the term "retail location"?
It makes me wonder if a sheriff could get you for calling them out to a "retail location" and when they show up to the polling place (mine is at a church for example), they get you for "lying to an officer" and just wasting their time.
This kind of stuff should only be attempted by folks who are confident in their understanding of their local election laws, and ideally who know their election clerks and how the clerks will react.
In our state they are generous with provisional ballots, but it sounds like for u/CasuallyObservant that was not the case.
A voter doing this is going to confuse the average clerk mightily. Requesting a mail in ballot and not mailing it in will be a "How would you feel if you hadn't had breakfast yesterday?" sort of moment for many of them...
But Jovan Pulitzer may have seen some things in AZ to recommend this specifically. But what is the deal with the term "retail location"?
It makes me wonder if a sheriff could get you for calling them out to a "retail location" and when they show up to the polling place (mine is at a church for example), they get you for "lying to an officer" and just wasting their time.