CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0


"Yes, comrade, this is of course English. How can I help you, Mr. Solarsavior?"

CasuallyObservant 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not sure why Trump is talking like this. He was certainly courting RFK Jr. for VP, and now he is saying these things. Maybe I'm missing something. Does anybody have a better take on this?

CasuallyObservant 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sent a prayer, healing and surrounded him with a white light of protection.

CasuallyObservant 3 points ago +3 / -0

We all knew this long ago. I'm glad FINALLY the medical societies are willing to admit what they were coerced into covering up until the damage was done to hundreds of thousands of babies and children. We must pray for the generation of young ones that received these vaccines and hope their parents have a real awakening as to what was done in the name of 'health and safety' to their precious children, with their permission!

CasuallyObservant 1 point ago +1 / -0

The child is pulling its arms behind its back, it is so repulsed!

CasuallyObservant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't wait. Please remind us when done.

CasuallyObservant 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw yesterday this article which absolutely defies logic:

"President Joe Biden picked up the endorsement of North America’s Building Trades Unions at a Wednesday event where the president and his allies set out to dismantle Republican Donald Trump's reputation as a successful real estate developer."

“Donald Trump is incapable of running anything,” said Sean McGarvey, the organization’s president. “God help us if he gets anywhere near the White House in the future.”

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very compelling. But the terrorism is happening from both Hamas and Israel it seems. How can this be solved?

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mark looks like hell. Skin mottled, dry and wrinkled, hair dry and askew, eyes red and baggy. Not even a good angle or lighting. Strange, considering he is in the movie business and should know all the tricks. He's clearly fallen on very hard times.

And also, if you look at the background in this photo, you see he is in a little cabin with pine wood paneling or sitting on the floor of a budget mobile home/trailer home. He is very broke, very sad, and just a damn mess.

CasuallyObservant 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just listened to the above's recorded message. Nowhere does he say this:

"...Not selling the company to Jews..."

Although, ultimately that is what it would be. I just don't like it when those writing the headlines take liberties.

CasuallyObservant 10 points ago +11 / -1

So. I'm confused. The Zionist J_ews that hate the non-J_ew Whites, have pushed, funded and coerced the Whites for generations, into accepting unchecked immigration from non-White countries to the point of near bankruptcy and collapse.

The Zionists, of course, allow no such people into their beloved Israel, though.

Thus, over the decades, the U.S. has taken in many, many Muslims (and other peoples) because of Obama's and Biden's policies and the Zionist's efforts to flood and overwhelm the White majority Christian nations.

Since the Zionists also have bought up all the news media, Hollywood and many key admin positions at the major universities, how is it that suddenly these lockstep Liberals are anti-Israel? They've been pro-J_ew forever it seemed, but now they are Pro-Palestine.

In addition all of these imported Muslims are standing up against Israel's continued Palestinian genocide.

I did not see this coming!

Am I missing something here?

CasuallyObservant 20 points ago +20 / -0

This is a dystopian nightmare that I can't wake up from. It's as though one of the Sci fi movies (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) has come to life.

Are all the Congress members receiving monetary deposits to their offshore accounts? Are they all splitting a portion of that $61 billion? Or, are they all under threat from the Cabal and are afraid for the lives of their children?

What are we to do?

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

The guy sounds very smart and awake. I'm confused about why it says my name is Max Azzarello, but the articles are signed 'M. Crosby'. Are all the articles by the same person - Azzarello or Crosby?

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, but there is nothing wrong with re-posting an already public post. Libs of TikTok didn't go and photograph the man in his home and then 'out him'. Sheesh.

Everything that Libs of TikTok finds (nearly) features some kind of wacko who proudly films themselves doing something bizarre. Most of us don't see these posts, so Libs tracks them down and brings them to the fore.

All of them frankly are are mentally unbalanced.

CasuallyObservant 6 points ago +6 / -0

I see. Well, if I was confused, likely others are, too. Maybe add a bit more explanation like:

"Sorry Ma'am, like when purchasing a gun, the government now requires a background check and a waiting period before you can obtain this abortion. I hope you haven't had mental health therapy, domestic violence involvement or a conviction of any crimes, recently..."

CasuallyObservant 5 points ago +6 / -1

Just sent you a healing. I wrapped you in a white light of protection.

CasuallyObservant 4 points ago +4 / -0

What am I missing here? What is this 'if you have a felony conviction you can't have an abortion' baloney?

Where did that come from?

CasuallyObservant 9 points ago +9 / -0

Two things:

  • That doesn't look like Kanye. The guy in the photo above and video has a wider nose, swollen cheeks and is sporting a dental grill that looks like he is missing some top teeth. Is it all an illusion? I don't know. Maybe Kanye got punched in the face and is swollen and has missing teeth, but that makes no sense. So why does he look so weird and why does his blond girlfriend suddenly have black hair?

  • Why are we talking about him anyway??

CasuallyObservant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look. You can make whatever conclusions you want. I think casting aspersions on Bryan re "deceiving the children of God" is hilarious, though.

Your accusations that he is 'susceptible to subversion and ignorance' is simply projection. You don't know him! It is your complete dislike of the guy that has become personal for you. Stop it.

I have been following the guy's posts because he is trying all kinds of things in the pursuit of human health and makes his results (good or bad) available to the public. He is an open book. Close the book if you don't like it!

Since he came from nothing, but was smart enough to create the business he did, turn it into the successful enterprise that garnered him big $$$ when he sold it, is a testament to his intelligence and hard work ethic.

The fact that he took his semi-balding, out-of-shape 40-something stressed and unhealthy body and reworked it into a specimen of lean muscle and excellence by using his brains, research, diet and exercise is.... admirable! Don't you agree?

(That nearly naked pic you linked above is proof of his progress and that is not up for debate.)

He has enough money for life and then some, built a beautiful home for his family, is taking care of his two teen sons, and is exploring things only a person in his unique position can, while sharing it fully with all who are interested, is a good thing.

If you are not one of the interested, that's fine. But painting the guy with a dirty brush and seeing malevolent intent when there is none, is a 'you' issue.

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