Here's a scenario for you: Russia saves the planet from nuclear annihilation. Russia cares more about its citizens than the US. Prove me wrong.
If the United States attacks Iran then Russia and China will combine forces and destroy the United States.
Homosexuality is natural and unnatural at the same time. Natural because two human beings love each other. Unnatural because the union cannot produce offspring. It's just that simple.
Lue Elizondo is a CIA disinformation propagandist.
Today Dan Bongino said his impeccable source told him about 3 different kill teams. He mentioned Iran probably being behind them. However he didn't say anything about any types of weapons or Trumps plane.
Here's a rabbit hole for you. It's about cause and effect. The cause comes at a distinct time. The effect might be seconds, minutes, hours, days, or years to come about. Nixon was a very vengeful human being. He met Mao and gave him the seed money for labs in China. He wanted the US to suffer for what he perceived as an injustice to him. The effect was Covid.
Don't forget that the deep state listens to every phone call. Including all of congress and all of the senate.
So I've noticed that if I'm on a life raft and it's full to capacity one more person on board would guarantee that death of everyone. I've also noticed that when anyone talks about population control the religious human beings lose all logic and reason. Just as a life raft, a country, or a planet, survival isn't possible with too many human beings. The question that no one answers is how many human beings until the life raft, that is to say, Earth, is full and can not sustain life.
What I've noticed about Elon Musk is that he thinks faster than he can talk. It frustrates him.
The spirit doesn't enter the human being until the 21st day after conception. That's when the heart starts beating.
Makes sense; the spirit anchors in the body's electromagnetic aura.
What happens when Muslims control Europe's armies/ nukes?
We'll find out because they will control the nukes. The UK and especially France will fall.
Re Ashley Biden publicly flattering her father:
Wait till she finds out that she's not listed in his will.
The government has already snatched up a little over 6,000 patents due to "national security". What are they? Well that's classified to protect you and me. Peace.
Re church of england has fallen, wicked reptilians meme:
From 1947 copyrighted: New emerging forms of religious hatred, xenophobia and hatred of nations will soon give rise to various forms of political extremism and lead to riots and terror in many countries. Around the world in the coming decades – and well into the new 3rd millennium – governments will also come apart at the seams. And it will soon become apparent in England, especially after the first 20 years of the 3rd millennium, after the death of the King Prince, among various members of the royal family, that calamities, inconsistencies, unacceptable and feuding behaviour, divorces and among themselves falsehoods and spite will arise. In the course of time, these will call into question the continuation of the family unit and the continued existence of the old royal house. In time, the rulers will become incapable of exercising a correct, right and clean government, for basically their majority will only indulge in their degenerated power and mammon, while they will increasingly restrict the peoples’ freedom with new nonsensical laws, ordinances, fines, taxes and decrees, etc., and drive them to suicide.”
From 1976 copyrighted:A-shaking is the island kingdom up in the North, in the Atlantic Pond, During the year of the evil, black time, when death lies ready by the masses, to extinguish large and small, making the Earth to be a death shrine. The crown shaketh as evil reward, for works and doings of the cult religion, but also politics play a role, which destroy the good island home.
“The crown falls and breaks, it is all over, the House of the Windsors has broken apart. Shaking is the island kingdom; bones are brittle now and pale; the kingdom – it has fallen; only legends of it will be told.”
From the prophecies of Henoch published and copyrighted in 1987. 175. And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against the countries of Europe and all will shake and quiver.
Everything in the West will be destroyed; England will be conquered and thrown down to the lowest level of misery.
And the fanatics and warriors of Islam will retain their power for a long time.
At the same time, as a civil war rages in Germany, an enormously bloody revolution will break out in England which will claim more lives than will be claimed by the civil war in Germany.
re reporting Muslims to cops in UK:
You're doing the lords work my friend.
Re Muslim mayoral dominance of UK despite minority:
Unfortunately, most human beings have to learn the excruciatingly hard way.
Re easiest way for Muslims get a nuclear weapon is to immivade UK:
Nope. It's France.
Re refugees welcome sluts:
I'm 55 years old. My father told me when I was about 11 years old that civilizations have collapsed over a little patch of hair. Obviously I didn't understand that then however it all makes sense now.
Re Trump assassination attempt:
Next up….Trump has a heart attack.
Re possible Illuminati hottie describing how the Illuminati aristocracy rules via Blackrock, Vanguard, political parties etc:
I'm sorry that I'm a pig ,but, I couldn't stop thinking about her being on top. On a side note, I love her message. Peace.
I agree, her intelligent cynicism is super-hot. Even her dancing mocks Tiktok. Her handle is @anafischetti but the tiktok name is now owned by someone else who looks vaguely oligarchic. Reverse image searching the pfp fails. Looks scrubbed. High opsec suggests Illuminati.
So this guy is a possible Illuminati, singularly attracted to possible Illuminaughty. Rewatching her dancing… Damn, she's so sarcastic. That is hot.
Re "Watch your thoughts" meme:
To op, where did this come from? What year was this first posted?
Interested in faith and character. Wise meme.
Insider? | u/Standingoak/
3 year old prolific account, punchy cynical and insightful.
replied to u/SHACKINTHEBUSHBOSS that Biden's estate had nothing left.
Exposes ruling bloodlines:
Standingoak 1 points2 years ago
Are you suggesting that Abe was not grandson of Nobusuke Kishi ?
Or that Nobusuke's brother Satō Eisaku was also Prime Minister ?
Or that Nobusuke was a cosigner of Japan's declaration of War on US ?
Or that "Samurai from Choshu, among them Kishi's great-grandfather, were leaders in the movement, culminating in 1868, to overthrow the old regime and establish a new national government."
Was Abe just a "Good Ruler" ? I think so.
But a Ruler he was. Part of the Family BusinessDo you know what a Keiretsu is ? Further dividing territory.
The entire World is and has always been divided into it's various gang territories, mostly unbeknownst to most of the peasants.
Waking up is hard to do , Like Joe selling US Strategic Petroleum Reserves to Chinese business partners of Hunter. Family Business.
Heavily downvoted for linking Abe to it.
Recommends Iceland for refuge: