posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +42 / -0

I wrote this as a reply to the RFK, Jr. clip about the Federal Reserve, but thought I would make this a new post, since a lot of people probably don't know a lot of this.

Today, LLC's are the most popular business structure. But they were not even invented until 1977. Prior to LLC's, it was the corporation that was the most popular. But those are relatively new, as well.

Corporations were not widely availabe to the masses back in 1913, when the Federal Reserve was created Through most of history, corporations could only be formed by kings. So, most people used either sole proprietorships, partnerships, or business trusts.

The Federal Reserve was originally created in 1913 as a business, which was owned by a business trust.

The owners/beneficiaries were Rothschild, Rockfeller, etc. -- the ususal suspects.

If you have heard of "anti-trust" laws or "trust busting," those are misnomers. They were laws to break up monopolies, aimed mostly at Rockfeller, who owned the Standard Oil Company as a business trust. That's where those terms come from.

The problem the criminal conspirators had with their previous central banks (1791 and 1816) was that, under the common law, trusts (including business trusts) could not last forever. This is why they had 20-year charters. This meant that they would have to ask Congress to renew the charter every 20 years, which was a problem for them.

So, they started pushing for laws to make corporations popular. Throughout history, only the king could create a corporation. But they started passing laws in the States to make corporations available to everyone, and make them more popular than business trusts. This started in the 1890's, but was established by the 1920's.

By the 1920's they had the laws passed and court decisions necessary, to switch. The Federal Reserve charter from 1913 would expire in 1933. So, in 1926 (or 1927, I forget), they converted the Federal Reserve System from a business trust to a corporation. Why? Because corporations have perpetual existence. There was no more need to ask Congress for re-authorization every 20 years.

The original owners/beneficiaries of the business trust that owned the Federal Reserve System were Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc. This ownership information could be hidden from the public, because the trust document itself was never made public.

But when they converted to a corporation, they reorganized the setup. They would have the member banks OWN the shares of the Federal Reserve System, Inc. to make it look legit. BUT those same criminal conspirators would CONTROL the system from behind the scenes.

They do this through the New York Federal Reserve Bank, which is one of the branches. This is why the president of the NY Fed has a permanent seat on the FOMC. Through the NY Fed, the criminal conspirators control the entire system.

They print money and control the flow of funds through the "open market operations," which ONLY the NY Fed is allowed to do. All the "pomp and ceremony" you see from the Fed Chair (currently, Jerome Powell) is just for show. He actually has no power at all, and just does what he is told to do, off camera. But he has to be someone who can engage in word salad to confuse the public. He probably doesn't even really know WTF he is talking about or why, other than he was told to do this or that and justify it some way to the media.

In 1931, the Federal Reserve System, Inc. created a subsidiary corporation, incorporated in Maryland, called Department of Treasury, Inc. This would become known as the Department of Treasury, which is NOT the United States Treasury Department.

If you pay close attention, you will notice the use of very confusing interchangable terms that sound like they are the same thing, but they are not: United States Treasury, Treasury Department, Department of the Treasury, Department of Treasury, Treasury Secretary, Secretary of the Treasury, etc.

In 1933, the Department of Treasury, Inc. created its own subsidiary corporation called the Internal Revenue Audit and Tax Service, Inc. This company would become known as the Internal Revenue Service. It would move its HQ to Puerto Rico, but have a public address in Washington, DC.

So, the Federal Reserve, Inc. owns the Department of Treasury, Inc., which owns the Internal Revenue Service, Inc. They just don't use those exact names or make it that obvious.

If you look at any IRS tax form, you will ALWAYS see "Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service," linking the two together and giving the IMPRESSION that they are both departments within the federal government. But are they? Which "Department of Treasury" is meant on those forms? Why doesn't it say Department of THE Treasury, or US Treasury or US Treasury Department, or United States Treasury Department? You don't know, and they won't tell.

If you just look at it at face value, without assuming any government involvement, you can see what it is actually saying.

General Motors, Chevrolet Division.

Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Division.

If you want to pay a tax and send a check to the IRS, they tell you to write a check to "IRS" or "Internal Revenue Service." If you instead write the check to "US Treasury Department," they will send it back and tell you to write a check to IRS or "Department of Treasury." Isn't that the same thing? They used to tell you to write a check to IRS or FRB (Federal Reserve Bank), but they changed it -- maybe people were catching on and asking questions.

If you look at a dollar bill ($1, $5, $20, makes no difference which denomination), you will notice that it says, "Federal Reserve Note." What is a "note?" It is a promise to pay (aka: "promissary note"). Promise to pay what? It USED TO BE a promise to pay YOU, the holder of the note, either gold or silver coin. Today, it is nothing but a promise to pay more Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's).

You will also notice there are TWO signatures on that note. This means that TWO PARTIES created that promissory note, which is required for any note (one party cannot create a note for itself). Who are these parties?

The two parties are the US Treasurer and the Secretary of the Treasury.

The Secretary of the Treasury is a cabinet position within the Executive Branch of the federal government. The US Treasurer works within that department, as the head of the US Mint and the Bureau of Engraving -- the functions to create coins and currency.

That is a problem, because it is a FEDERAL RESERVE note, and not a UNITED STATES note, which was the case before 1913.


A promissory note is between two parties -- one borrows and the other lends. Who is the borrower and who is the lender of a Federal Reserve Note?

The US government is the borrower and the Federal Reserve is the lender, since it is THEIR NOTE. This means the US Treasurer must ALSO be working for the Department of Treasury, Inc., which is owned by Federal Reserve, Inc.

There is no other way for this note to be LEGAL TENDER. The i's must be dotted and the t's must be crossed to make it all LEGAL. And this is the only way these two signatures could create a PROMISSORY NOTE.

Although one department of the US government could (theoretically) borrow from another department (i.e. the federal government borrowing from itself), this could NOT be the case for Federal Reserve Notes, because the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE COMPANY, and NOT a government agency.

Back in the days of the phone book, the front section had phone numbers for goverment agencies and departments -- local, State, and federal -- which were the "Blue Pages," and they did NOT show the local Federal Reserve branch phone number in that section. It was in the normal White Pages, where the PRIVATE personal and business phone numbers were listed -- because it was and still is a PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESS. It's just that the people who control it have disguised the structure to fool the public.

Today, it LOOKS like a government entity. But it is CONTROLLED by private parties. Of course, the member banks "own" it, but they have NO CONTROL. They receive a 6% dividend on their investment, and all net profits go to the United States Treasury.

BUT ... those are NET profits -- AFTER ALL EXPENSES.

What exactly are the expenses? How much is paid out -- and to whom -- BEFORE the dividends are paid and net profits flow to the US Treasury?

NOBODY KNOWS ... because the Federal Reserve, Inc. ... has NEVER BEEN AUDITED.

Why not?

You should be able to figure that out on your own.

This is how the system REALLY works. People like Epstein and Diddy have their place, but the real power is in the ability to create money from nothing, siphon some of it off (as G. Edward Griffin says), and funnel that money not only to buy houses and yachts and private jets, but to also buy PEOPLE ... people in Congress, people who become district attorneys, people who become judges, people who control Wall Street, people who control media, people who control universities, people who control advertisers, people who control narratives, people who control drugs, people who control food, people who murder, people who blackmail, people who start wars, people who do the dirty work of the criminal conspirators who operate in the shadows, and have gained illegitimate power due to all the money they created from nothing. Well, nothing but the ink on a piece of paper, that is deemed to be a "law" that says they can.

Average Joe has no clue about any of this, because the system is DESIGNED for him to be clueless.

Average Joe's only job is to expend his labor, in exchange for fake money, which he can exchange for bread and circuses -- but only AFTER he has paid his toll to the criminal conspirators who use the fruits of his labor to design a system to enslave him.