As the Israelis and anyone of dozens of nutcases, Dictators etc. Have demonstrated. The U.N can’t and won’t do shit aside from strongly worded letters.
Though according to information coming out of the region. The U.N seems to have been knowingly involved in fermenting the Violence and Breeding the resentment. That is impart contributing to the region, Gaza in particular, being a perpetually unstable Hellhole that Everyone, Israelis included, is able to manipulate at will.
So that might be why the U.N shut up about it and doesn’t make many statements about the region beyond the generic finger wagging and humanitarian statements.
Wasn’t that the whole “Send in peacekeepers” thing? Which frankly may as well be doing nothing. Given the Peacekeepers track records. Granted I might be thinking of a different U.N thing. They don’t exactly have a successful track record.
Point being. The U.N is useless and if not outright involved in creating the situation in the first place. Granted the Israelis probably would have found another reason to bomb them. But I digress. And if Erdogan is serious. Whether the UN approves or not seems moot at this point.
As the Israelis and anyone of dozens of nutcases, Dictators etc. Have demonstrated. The U.N can’t and won’t do shit aside from strongly worded letters.
Though according to information coming out of the region. The U.N seems to have been knowingly involved in fermenting the Violence and Breeding the resentment. That is impart contributing to the region, Gaza in particular, being a perpetually unstable Hellhole that Everyone, Israelis included, is able to manipulate at will.
So that might be why the U.N shut up about it and doesn’t make many statements about the region beyond the generic finger wagging and humanitarian statements.
They wanted to, but Israel and USA vetoed it.
Wasn’t that the whole “Send in peacekeepers” thing? Which frankly may as well be doing nothing. Given the Peacekeepers track records. Granted I might be thinking of a different U.N thing. They don’t exactly have a successful track record.
Point being. The U.N is useless and if not outright involved in creating the situation in the first place. Granted the Israelis probably would have found another reason to bomb them. But I digress. And if Erdogan is serious. Whether the UN approves or not seems moot at this point.
I believe it might come to the latter. This is part of the sabre-rattling and side-picking that happens before-hand.
There is a precedent to a nuked nation 'going in' without UN permission. Just saying.