Old school kerosene lanterns and stoves would also be nice backup. I also have a ventless and no power gas heater that runs on natural gas or propane. I have it all plumbed up. I just need to drill a hole in the wall and make the final connection. You can buy them at Lowes or Home Depot.
Also if you are on a budget the best thing to have is a headlamp and a pile of batteries. That's what I mostly used when I lost power for 2 weeks a few years ago.
das rayciss!
Don't forget crypto... useless when it matters
Howls. You know I like crypto, right? Damn.
That's why I trade with cash and Ivermectin and HCQ
I do now 😁😁😁
Old school kerosene lanterns and stoves would also be nice backup. I also have a ventless and no power gas heater that runs on natural gas or propane. I have it all plumbed up. I just need to drill a hole in the wall and make the final connection. You can buy them at Lowes or Home Depot.
Also if you are on a budget the best thing to have is a headlamp and a pile of batteries. That's what I mostly used when I lost power for 2 weeks a few years ago.
That reminds me to buy a bunch of battery for headlamps.
I have a bunch of candles.
Oh, I have woodstove. I also have a lot of gas stoves
Why do people say "hot water heater" instead of "water heater"?
They don't want you to get confused with "cold water heaters".
LOL. Good point.
See what just a little bit of thinking can do.
Lots of people cannot think beyond the next meal.