Tim Burchett is my Congressional representative, and he is one of the most approachable men I've ever met. I have chatted with him on numerous occasions when he's been present at a gun show, last year's Marine Corps Ball in Knox County, and at a couple of civic occasions. He's the real deal, and I consider him one of us.
Wow, that's a boss move!
Yes. Franklin Graham just gave us another confirmation.
Yes Amen.
But, but the democrats said give to ActBlue and they would forward the money to those in need. /sarc no sarc
gotta get rid of the liberal democrats in order for that to happen.. unfortunately something happened with them, and they turned uncaring and evil.
Tim Burchett is my Congressional representative, and he is one of the most approachable men I've ever met. I have chatted with him on numerous occasions when he's been present at a gun show, last year's Marine Corps Ball in Knox County, and at a couple of civic occasions. He's the real deal, and I consider him one of us.
Wow. Nice. I am glad to know.
Now that’s what leaders are supposed to do! Impressive
Amen; he is focused on what really matters
Good man
This man would make a great successor to Trump for the MAGA movement.
Dems will REEEEEEE that he's trying to buy votes.
He got mine even w/o the storm. LOL
I cannot stand liars. Kamala is a liar and Walz is a liar.
I bet we don’t hear Marsha Blackburn or Bill Heggerty or Gloria Johnson saying anything like this…( tho Gloria has a bullhorn)
'course not.