posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +155 / -0

Dunno about frens, but I'm not concerned at all about the Israel / Iran situation. I feel relaxed and confident, more than I usually do about a lot of the habbeings in recent years.

Here's why.

First, "only at the precipice"

To make the return of DJT far more powerful, and wake up even the normie mainstram, some extreme, fearful situation that on the surface looks potentially disastrous seems to be required. Israel / Iran situation seems to foot the bill.

Second, timing.

All of the incidents and upheavals this year have steadily been culminating towards crescendo. The timing seems to me to be well orchestrated. If it's not being orchestrated, then its extremely fortunate.

(Note: by orchestrated, I don't mean that the 'white hats' are dominating and shaping everything on both sides of the equation. Rather, I mean that the white hats have their plan and their timeline, and are pursuing that in order to trigger and execute certain events and situations at the right (optimal) time.

Orchestrated doesn't mean that the bad guys are merely actors acting out a play. It means the bad guys are NOT in control of the gameboard, and they are being forced by the moves of the WH to respond or react, in ways that are predicted and accounted for by game theory.)

Three, symmetry.

  • Two streams of thought

There are broadly two streams of thought in the alt-media aka 'truth seeking' world regarding Israel and Jews. One is that "The jews" are doing everything, are completely evil, that Israel is 100% evil, and pulling the strings behind everything.

The other stream involves acknowledging that the DS and Cabal have infiltrated all sectors of society and government, that Israel was originally set up for the Cabal's purpose but that the real string pullers are not one specific class or race of humans ("the jews") but rather, are the satanic elite who have laid smokescreen over smokescreen over smokescreen to hide themselves and make themselves invisible, and that "The jews" is just another smokescreen, albeit one much closer to them than others.

So, consider if you will, the state of Israel being set up by the Cabal (via the Rothschilds branch) for a specific purpose, but also being a legitimate state with real human beings not motivated or driven by the Cabal agenda, but just wanting to live.

If this is the case, it would mean that just like the USA, Israel has its own deep state, it's own cancerous underbelly, and one that needs to be extinguished so that an actually viable Israel nation can continue to live on, free from control of the Globalists.

  • symmetrical takedown of Cabal elements

So, what if the White Hat operations at this juncture were planned to not only gut and destroy the Hamas and Iranian DS backed terrorist groups, but ALSO to destroy the DS assets within Israel itself, those festering elements that like the C_A in America have been the instruments of the political satanists, completely at odds with the motives and ideas of the core of the American people?

So, in just the last few days, we've seen Iranian elements fire in to Israel wiping out, I have heard, the Mossad HQ and Unit 8200, etc? What if the Israel / Iran conflict, while presenting the narrative and trappings of imminent all out war in the middle east, was actually being used as cover to destroy and wipe out, just prior to Donald Trump returning to the White House in America, Deep State assets and elements BOTH in Israel and outside of Israel.

  • war or conflict as a cover for behind the scenes operations that destroy the Cabal

The using war as cover mode has been used before by Trump, for example, when (as anons mostly agreed), DJT sent missiles in to Syria because "Bashad used chemical weapons on his population) but in fact they were precise target strikes against ISIS and other Cabal assets hiding in Syria.

And what is the Ukrainian war apart from an operation to clean out Cabal elements and infrastructure in Ukraine? Yes, the legitimate need to rescue and liberate the Donbas and ethnically Russian peoples is important and was always there, but a lasting solution to the situation can ONLY come about when the Cabal is rooted and gutted from Ukraine and Russia altogether.

  • Zelensky & Ukraine

And if you are of the view that Zelensky is pure evil and being used to destroy America, you may want to listen to this weeks Defected Ep 88, where a very solid case is made that in fact Zelensky's strings were cut a good way back, and that he's actually been used in Ukraine (now) to destroy the Cabal asset situation (i.e Azov, the oligarchs). If you haven't heard about this, and you consider yourself anon, it behooves you to check this out. A very compelling argument can and has been made that Zelensky, while put in place by the Cabal, has actually been cooperating with the White Hat agenda.

  • Coincidence?

Either way, curious that "Israel" has been destroying the Hamas network and Iranian DS assets in recent months (last weeks pager and phone attack was absolutely massive in smashing their human resource infrastructure), and after that now missiles being launched in to Israel attack and decimate .... The Israeli CIA, aka the Mossad etc.

Coincidence? Or WHs using the Israel / Iran conflict to take out Cabal assets on BOTH sides?

With the accumulation of the above considerations, I'm really not worried about the middle east situation. Certainly, I pray there will be as few casualties as possible. War is horrible, but sometimes its the only way to overcome evil.


Regarding the two streams of thought re: the nature of the 'real' Cabal and the idea of "the Jews' etc, I definitely fall in the latter one I described. I do not see "the Jews" as being the ultimate evil behind the scenes, but rather, I adopt what I think is a more nuanced view of the Cabal and the evil that has been dominating our world.

There are a few reasons why.

One, the "mah Jews" angle on this always seems, to me, to be tinged with a lot of anger, angst, vilification and emotions that I do not think are particularly edifying. To me that's a sign that something is a bit off there.

Two, the "mah Jews" angle seems way too convenient. to me, it has the smell, if not stink, of another smokescreen to hide the truth and polarize, yes polarize, those who are seeking truth and the liberation of humanity under God. Divide and conquer. It's the "mah Jews" narrative that overly empowers orgs that then tout the 'anti, anti-semetic' story. Like the anti-defamation league, for example.

This is classical satanic hegelian dialectic. Divide and conquer. Left vs Right. The ADL only has power because there are sectors of society that push the "Jews are evil" rhetoric at every chance.

Three, with effective lies, there is always an element of truth. There is no doubt the Rothschilds et al have been a cesspool of evil for many centuries now and that there is indeed a connection with modern era Jewish populations. But in my view, those connections are over-emphasized IN ORDER TO generate a Hegelian conflict, of "Attack Jews vs Defend Jews", and like I already stated, that smells to me of 'distraction' of smoke an mirrors par excellence. As such, I want to avoid falling in to that most ancient of traps, one that pits us against each other.

Four, the Israel & Jews issue is a sure-fire angle that can generate discord and division within Christianity. Some think that Israel must be restored before Christ returns, some think of Israel or the Jews as the Synagogue of Satan, etc, while others emphasize the common heritage between Christianity and the history of Israel as a people. Injecting conflict into the body of Christ using the "Jewish" issue for leverage seems like an easy line of attack, imo.

Saving Israel for Last

"Saving Israel for Last" could mean many different things. At this juncture in the game, I interpret it to mean that in the process of cleaning out the Cabal and the Deep State in all the core locations, Israel is the last on the list. I don't think it means that Israel is 100% pure evil, just as I do not believe for one minute that the USA is 100% pure evil. (There are some out there in the world who sadly think that, you know.)

Q also emphasize that Q's REASON for saving Israel for last was a "very specific reason not mentioned a single time". So we can speculate and come up with various theories, but should also avoid putting our own biases in as interpretations of what Q means.

Evil survives and thrives in the dark. Ultimately, it is political satanism that is the disease, and it afflicts all peoples, all races, and all parts of humanity. That is the part that needs to be rooted out, so that ALL humanity can unite in their various aspects as the unique expressions of God's own nature in us.

After afternote: The above is just my opinion. I think some will disagree, and that's probably a good thing. It is not uniformity of thought that can unite us, but a willingness to listen and learn from each other. That's what makes us strong.
