Exactly. We didn’t lock our doors. Everyone helped each other. Volunteer fire department. Almost no drugs or crime. Good paying middle class jobs. Memorial Day and Independence Day parades in the small town. Etc., etc.
The country you grew up in was just as evil only the DARK was hidden. You were asleep. Life appeared lovely. Children were still being trafficked, consumed, politicians were lying evil POS. They just covered it up better. The veil was not see-through. So don't be naive. There was no "good 'ole days" That's what got us here, Distraction.
Good old stuff was us with our heads in the sand, pretending to BE. We have the opportunity to break free from slavery and create better good old stuff. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
I've moved beyond going back to life how it used to be. I felt pretty pessimistic for awhile, but lately I'm becoming more optimistic about life. Life after The Great Awakening won't be life like it used to be, but it will be good.
Exactly. We didn’t lock our doors. Everyone helped each other. Volunteer fire department. Almost no drugs or crime. Good paying middle class jobs. Memorial Day and Independence Day parades in the small town. Etc., etc.
eh. i learned pretty early that there was evil lurking beneath the surface, and has been for a long time. I don't want to go back to that.
How long has free energy been suppressed for? I have high expectations for the future. Hang in there, frens
The country you grew up in was just as evil only the DARK was hidden. You were asleep. Life appeared lovely. Children were still being trafficked, consumed, politicians were lying evil POS. They just covered it up better. The veil was not see-through. So don't be naive. There was no "good 'ole days" That's what got us here, Distraction.
There's nothing wrong about wanting the good old stuff back without the bad.
Good old stuff was us with our heads in the sand, pretending to BE. We have the opportunity to break free from slavery and create better good old stuff. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
I was just thinking the same reading the sign except for younger generations.
Just as quickly though I also thought, do I? Much of the same shit was going on just more unbeknownst to the masses.
I've moved beyond going back to life how it used to be. I felt pretty pessimistic for awhile, but lately I'm becoming more optimistic about life. Life after The Great Awakening won't be life like it used to be, but it will be good.
I wish absolutely everyone felt this way.
Them feels are real