Prior to about the 1950s. Federal Level Disaster Relief was regularly handled by the Military and to a lesser extent Federal Law Enforcement. And sometimes Congress would exempt a City or Region from Taxes/paying tariffs for a period as an early form of Disaster Relief. And largely left on the ground relief to Civilian Volunteers and Local/State Authorities.
Though in numerous instances. Federal Troops would act under direction of Local Commanders without direct orders from the War Department, President, or Congress. To provide support to local and state Governments. Such as the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco.
WW2 saw the birth of the Agencies that would later become FEMA namely the Office of Civil Defense and its later successors. And up until the 1970s. They primarily focused on Education and training Volunteers to provide support to their local communities. Firefighting. Chemical Decontamination etc. Along with running CONELRAD a radio station that was meant to continuously broadcast important information to the Citizenry regarding Disasters or Nuclear Attack. Congress though steadfastly refused to fund their Programs to the requested rates though. Meaning their actual ability to support the Citizenry was limited.
1978 saw FEMA established by Jimmy Carter. Condensing the adhoc nature of Several Poorly funded Emergency Relief and Civil Defense Programs/Agencies prior to that year. And up until 2003. FEMA operated independently. After 2003 Bush put the under the Authority of DHS.
Tell me WHY we need FEMA?
We don't need Fema they can suckeggs.
RIGHT! They interfere more than they help, by far!
Yeah....Diddy Eggs
Prior to about the 1950s. Federal Level Disaster Relief was regularly handled by the Military and to a lesser extent Federal Law Enforcement. And sometimes Congress would exempt a City or Region from Taxes/paying tariffs for a period as an early form of Disaster Relief. And largely left on the ground relief to Civilian Volunteers and Local/State Authorities.
Though in numerous instances. Federal Troops would act under direction of Local Commanders without direct orders from the War Department, President, or Congress. To provide support to local and state Governments. Such as the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco.
WW2 saw the birth of the Agencies that would later become FEMA namely the Office of Civil Defense and its later successors. And up until the 1970s. They primarily focused on Education and training Volunteers to provide support to their local communities. Firefighting. Chemical Decontamination etc. Along with running CONELRAD a radio station that was meant to continuously broadcast important information to the Citizenry regarding Disasters or Nuclear Attack. Congress though steadfastly refused to fund their Programs to the requested rates though. Meaning their actual ability to support the Citizenry was limited.
1978 saw FEMA established by Jimmy Carter. Condensing the adhoc nature of Several Poorly funded Emergency Relief and Civil Defense Programs/Agencies prior to that year. And up until 2003. FEMA operated independently. After 2003 Bush put the under the Authority of DHS.
We need FEMA to launder money and that's all they do!