151 If this is true, this is the last straw. This Jezebel must go to prison. (twitter.com) posted 157 days ago by Jammyjams 157 days ago by Jammyjams +151 / -0 32 comments share 32 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Here's some sauce from some different sources: (Matt Gaetz of Florida is mentioned in the first one)
The Daily Mail has this: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13925109/FEMA-whistleblowers-waste-taxpayer-funds-staff-waiting-hotels-Hurricane-Helene.html
The Blaze has this: https://www.theblaze.com/news/gaetz-hurricane-whistleblowers-fema-funds
And Townhall Has This:
Jezebel indeed!: (They have a whole bushel load of things in common!)
She served idols - https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/1ki/16/31/t_conc_307031
She murdered the prophets of the one true God: https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/1ki/18/1/s_309001
She threatened Elijah with death after the Israelites killed her prophets for preventing the people from worshipping the one true God.
She set up Naboth to die by proclaiming that he had cursed out God and the king, so she could steal his vineyard and hand it over to Ahab.
(Could Kamala be setting up the stage to steal the land from North Carolinans?) I for one, would not put this past her!)
Guess which event finally brought judgement down on her head?
Her lie about Naboth and her abusing God's name!