Manipulated, and the culmination will be 'the big one' hitting CA just before the election, and will then cancel it. They're actively pre-programming that with articles how unusually many 4.0s CA has seen this year. They were obviously trying earthquake tech out with that underwater volcano in the South Pacific that boomed a couple of years ago. It might almost be funny had we not already seen the 60s Bond movies so many times.
That would just about be par for the course; however, if they destroy too much of CA, they'd also eliminate many of their base, IF they were to ever re-instate elections
Manipulated, and the culmination will be 'the big one' hitting CA just before the election, and will then cancel it. They're actively pre-programming that with articles how unusually many 4.0s CA has seen this year. They were obviously trying earthquake tech out with that underwater volcano in the South Pacific that boomed a couple of years ago. It might almost be funny had we not already seen the 60s Bond movies so many times.
That would just about be par for the course; however, if they destroy too much of CA, they'd also eliminate many of their base, IF they were to ever re-instate elections