The word “misinformation” seems to be the lefts word of the day…this rug muncher used it, Kerry used it to describe why it’s important to dismantle the first amendment, Hillary is using it to say the same. They have had the power of the press and internet and they are now losing it
The word “misinformation” seems to be the lefts word of the day…this rug muncher used it, Kerry used it to describe why it’s important to dismantle the first amendment, Hillary is using it to say the same. They have had the power of the press and internet and they are now losing it
She walks out almost every day now, doesn't she??
She is no more intelligent than a chocolate Easter bunny.
I dont get why she calls on him, hes not gona give her easy qs.
I think she likes a little pain. 😉
Whatchu talkin bout DOOCY!!??? 😂😂😂
Way to go Peter! 💥