And when properly applied. Could be quite useful for combatting quite a few issues currently plaguing society.
Obesity for instance. Not to mention useful for therapies of various sorts. There’s also the option of ultra realistic Job training possible. Being able to insert Trainees into realistic high stress environments.
That wouldn’t actually put any member of the public, the Trainee themself, or any Businesses assets at risk of damage and loss of life.
I’d imagine it’d be particularly useful for the Military and First Responders. Though undoubtedly Tradesmen and Tradeschools would find it useful as well. For hands on training and education. Or just practicing plying their trade in different environments.
And when properly applied. Could be quite useful for combatting quite a few issues currently plaguing society.
Obesity for instance. Not to mention useful for therapies of various sorts. There’s also the option of ultra realistic Job training possible. Being able to insert Trainees into realistic high stress environments.
That wouldn’t actually put any member of the public, the Trainee themself, or any Businesses assets at risk of damage and loss of life.
I’d imagine it’d be particularly useful for the Military and First Responders. Though undoubtedly Tradesmen and Tradeschools would find it useful as well. For hands on training and education. Or just practicing plying their trade in different environments.