352 🦸♀️HURRAH FOR TINA PETERS!:🦸♀️ Tina Peters Releases Her Mesa County Voting System Forensic Examination to the Public After Sentencing by Venomous Colorado Judge! (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 156 days ago by PowderRoomPolitics 156 days ago by PowderRoomPolitics +352 / -0 One Last Hurrah! Tina Peters Releases Her Mesa County Voting System Forensic Examination to the Public After Sentencing by Venom... Gold Star Mother and former County Clerk in Colorado Tina Peters publicly released the Mesa County Colorado Voting System Forensic Examination and Analysis reports before she was sent to prison for nine years in another political prosecution. 43 comments share 43 comments share save hide report block hide replies
What a Righteous and Brave Woman. God bless her.
Her son was also a badass Navy Seal. She is a Gold Star Mom. When her son died (double parachute failure, extremely rare) she wanted to do something important with her life and ran for office.
double parachute failure means executed for knowing something or intending to do something
Yes, he prob knew something and was gonna whistleblow.