1st Corinthians addresses what you say 2,000 years before you said it. The quote here, was written 2,700 years ago.
1st Corinthians 1:18-25:
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
From Isaiah chapter 29:
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
The "wise and prudent" of this world dismissed Soddom and Gomorrah, but it was found. Burned catastrophically, ash and bone, and balls of sulfur, distributed as if from above;
The "wise and prudent" of this world have claimed that "David never existed". His name was found engraved in stone by a Canaanite king who gained a victory over him.
The "wise and prudent" of this world have claimed that there was a great explosion in space, and that this great explosion is responsible for space, time, matter, but even the questions of a neophyte can dismantle this claim:
Where did this explode? (No space, nor time exists, no spacetime)
When did this explode? (No spacetime exists)
How did matter or proto-matter, made of opposing charges, become so tightly compressed? What force existed to compress it?
How did the compressed matter, come to exist?
If the explosion is as they say, a matter-antimatter explosion, how did the antimatter coexist compressed with matter; we are told that they annihilate on contact.
The "wise and prudent" of this world have claimed that we are all the product of evolution, but examples of irreducable complexity are shown in our eyes, in Bacterial Flagellum, which are literally electric motors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwDRZGj2nnY
in the Bombadier Beetle, which would have presumably destroyed it's species many times over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWwgLS5tK80 attempting to get this right.
The "wise and prudent" of this world have said that the parting of the Red Sea had no evidence, yet we found many Corals which grow based on the substrate, in the shape of chariots sprinkled about the bottom of the sea: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IQXeOFPtrW4
The "wise and prudent" of this world have said that this earth, the cosmos, are all an accident, but they are clearly designed. Mathematics is a clear indicator, many mainstream scientists believe that we live in a simulation. The bible says that God will rollback the heavens like a scroll, the curtain will be removed, and we will see.
The "wise and prudent" of this world said hundreds of years ago that the earth was flat, but the book of Job said that it was a "circle" and that God "suspended it (the earth) on nothing"; God's word describes a sphere on an axis, thousands of years before mainstream science would catch up.
I choose to be a fool in this world for God; I see no evidence that disproves Him, mountains of archaeological evidence that validates the Word of God as reliable, and beyond that; I know this about many people.
If I honestly asked you; at this moment; if you thought that you were a good person? I believe that you would tell me "Yes I am" or "Yes, I try to be".
I would ask you to benchmark yourself against the 10 commandments to find out. Have you lied, stolen, taken the Lord's name in vain, used the precious name of God in place of a curse or filth word, have you had sex outside of marriage, cheated or slept with another married person. Jesus said if I looked at a woman with lust; I'd be guilty of adultery, He said that if I hated my brother, I would be guilty of murder at heart.
God says that the wages of sin are death; and He's deadly serious; Even one sin separates you from Him. The bible says the soul that sins shall die, that all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire, no thief, no blasphemer, no adulterer, no drunkard will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
God is the ultimate judge, and His word is frighteningly accurate.
The Good news is this: God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever should believe in Him, shall not die, but have everlasting life.
Jesus died a horrific death on the cross after being betrayed, abandoned, mocked, beaten, suffering all things Himself in our place. He never sinned once. He never lied once. He lived a blameless life, but was lied about. He died that we might live.
All one must do is lay down their pride, look at what He did, believe, confess His name and their belief, and they will be saved, they will have a new heart that loves righteousness, and doesn't mind being hated by this world.
I implore you; Trust in Christ; you won't regret it; who matters more at the end of your life; God, or the opinions of men?
Friend, consider the mind that God gave you. A mind that could see the evil in the world. Satanic pedophillic cults are mass murdering children in the shadows, and you noticed. I believe it's not an accident. They serve their god, their spirit of the power of the air; if the most powerful people on the planet all serve the stated and sworn enemy of God, I implore you; consider this!
I understand what you mean, I didn't want to acknowledge my failures, my wrongdoings, but please consider it. Ask yourself why would I spend my time begging you, with my whole heart, to consider it, if I didn't believe it, I wouldn't bother.
The most selfish thing I can do is believe that the vast majority of the world is going to hell, is entering into torment, because they actively shun God, convinced of their own righteousness, and completely do nothing. God told me in His word, to do this. Here go I but for the grace of God.
It's deadly serious; If you were on a plane that were out of fuel, and it was going down, and I told you that, and I gave you a parachute and told you to trust in that parachute, and take a leap of faith to save your life, the only question you would have is "How do I or you know that the plane is crashing?"
I'd tell you look out the window, the engines are not running. I'd say look at how close the ground is getting. I'd tell you the evidence is all around you.
This is your life we are talking about. I don't want to be guilty of your blood on judgement day. God has given me a chance to talk with you, a chance that you might hear the gospel, the good news.
Christ demonstrated His love for us in this, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. That if you will believe in Christ Jesus, that God raised Him from the dead, that you will be saved. Belief means to trust in that parachute, to repent (Change your mind about Sin, and reject it, to be of a contrite heart about it) and believe in Jesus Christ the Savior. He will give you a new heart, one not made of stone.
This is the parachute; the question about the 10 commandments above is me imploring you to consider that you are not a righteous man, that God is a Holy (set apart) Judge of the World, and that you and I both are transgressors of the law, both that He wrote in His word, and that He wrote on your heart. This is why you abhor theft, or murder.
We have this Word of God, that has been right many many times, has many fulfilled scriptures, which took place many hundreds, even thousands of years apart. Throughout Isaiah God directly tells us that He will illustrate to us who He is;
Isaiah predicts Cyrus the Great by several hundred years; This is a direct challenge to those who would ask how do we know He is the One True God?
He raised up Cyrus, just as He said He would do. His word has been right over and over and over.
I am fearful for your soul; God is real, you are watching God take these people down, not man; God.
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
to face God without the Redeemer, without the covering blood, the blood of the Passover Lamb, who takes away the sin of the world. The hand of that same mighty God, on the last day, will be stretched out against you, and there will be no hope, no parachute, no saving grace.
Today is the day of Salvation; I beg you; heed this warning; God is real, you are watching His plans unfold, all men are appointed once to die, and then the judgement.
I beg you hear me, heed true wisdom; deny yourself, pickup the cross and follow Christ Jesus, he offers you nothing less than absolution.
1st Corinthians addresses what you say 2,000 years before you said it. The quote here, was written 2,700 years ago.
1st Corinthians 1:18-25:
From Isaiah chapter 29:
The "wise and prudent" of this world dismissed Soddom and Gomorrah, but it was found. Burned catastrophically, ash and bone, and balls of sulfur, distributed as if from above;
The "wise and prudent" of this world have claimed that "David never existed". His name was found engraved in stone by a Canaanite king who gained a victory over him.
Beyond that, his palaces were unearthed:
The "wise and prudent" of this world have claimed that there was a great explosion in space, and that this great explosion is responsible for space, time, matter, but even the questions of a neophyte can dismantle this claim:
The "wise and prudent" of this world have claimed that we are all the product of evolution, but examples of irreducable complexity are shown in our eyes, in Bacterial Flagellum, which are literally electric motors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwDRZGj2nnY in the Bombadier Beetle, which would have presumably destroyed it's species many times over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWwgLS5tK80 attempting to get this right.
The "wise and prudent" of this world have said that the parting of the Red Sea had no evidence, yet we found many Corals which grow based on the substrate, in the shape of chariots sprinkled about the bottom of the sea: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IQXeOFPtrW4
The "wise and prudent" of this world have said that this earth, the cosmos, are all an accident, but they are clearly designed. Mathematics is a clear indicator, many mainstream scientists believe that we live in a simulation. The bible says that God will rollback the heavens like a scroll, the curtain will be removed, and we will see.
The "wise and prudent" of this world said hundreds of years ago that the earth was flat, but the book of Job said that it was a "circle" and that God "suspended it (the earth) on nothing"; God's word describes a sphere on an axis, thousands of years before mainstream science would catch up.
I choose to be a fool in this world for God; I see no evidence that disproves Him, mountains of archaeological evidence that validates the Word of God as reliable, and beyond that; I know this about many people.
If I honestly asked you; at this moment; if you thought that you were a good person? I believe that you would tell me "Yes I am" or "Yes, I try to be".
I would ask you to benchmark yourself against the 10 commandments to find out. Have you lied, stolen, taken the Lord's name in vain, used the precious name of God in place of a curse or filth word, have you had sex outside of marriage, cheated or slept with another married person. Jesus said if I looked at a woman with lust; I'd be guilty of adultery, He said that if I hated my brother, I would be guilty of murder at heart.
God says that the wages of sin are death; and He's deadly serious; Even one sin separates you from Him. The bible says the soul that sins shall die, that all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire, no thief, no blasphemer, no adulterer, no drunkard will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
God is the ultimate judge, and His word is frighteningly accurate.
The Good news is this: God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever should believe in Him, shall not die, but have everlasting life.
Jesus died a horrific death on the cross after being betrayed, abandoned, mocked, beaten, suffering all things Himself in our place. He never sinned once. He never lied once. He lived a blameless life, but was lied about. He died that we might live.
All one must do is lay down their pride, look at what He did, believe, confess His name and their belief, and they will be saved, they will have a new heart that loves righteousness, and doesn't mind being hated by this world.
I implore you; Trust in Christ; you won't regret it; who matters more at the end of your life; God, or the opinions of men?
Friend, consider the mind that God gave you. A mind that could see the evil in the world. Satanic pedophillic cults are mass murdering children in the shadows, and you noticed. I believe it's not an accident. They serve their god, their spirit of the power of the air; if the most powerful people on the planet all serve the stated and sworn enemy of God, I implore you; consider this!
I understand what you mean, I didn't want to acknowledge my failures, my wrongdoings, but please consider it. Ask yourself why would I spend my time begging you, with my whole heart, to consider it, if I didn't believe it, I wouldn't bother.
The most selfish thing I can do is believe that the vast majority of the world is going to hell, is entering into torment, because they actively shun God, convinced of their own righteousness, and completely do nothing. God told me in His word, to do this. Here go I but for the grace of God.
It's deadly serious; If you were on a plane that were out of fuel, and it was going down, and I told you that, and I gave you a parachute and told you to trust in that parachute, and take a leap of faith to save your life, the only question you would have is "How do I or you know that the plane is crashing?"
I'd tell you look out the window, the engines are not running. I'd say look at how close the ground is getting. I'd tell you the evidence is all around you.
This is your life we are talking about. I don't want to be guilty of your blood on judgement day. God has given me a chance to talk with you, a chance that you might hear the gospel, the good news.
Christ demonstrated His love for us in this, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. That if you will believe in Christ Jesus, that God raised Him from the dead, that you will be saved. Belief means to trust in that parachute, to repent (Change your mind about Sin, and reject it, to be of a contrite heart about it) and believe in Jesus Christ the Savior. He will give you a new heart, one not made of stone.
This is the parachute; the question about the 10 commandments above is me imploring you to consider that you are not a righteous man, that God is a Holy (set apart) Judge of the World, and that you and I both are transgressors of the law, both that He wrote in His word, and that He wrote on your heart. This is why you abhor theft, or murder.
We have this Word of God, that has been right many many times, has many fulfilled scriptures, which took place many hundreds, even thousands of years apart. Throughout Isaiah God directly tells us that He will illustrate to us who He is;
Isaiah predicts Cyrus the Great by several hundred years; This is a direct challenge to those who would ask how do we know He is the One True God?
He raised up Cyrus, just as He said He would do. His word has been right over and over and over.
I am fearful for your soul; God is real, you are watching God take these people down, not man; God.
to face God without the Redeemer, without the covering blood, the blood of the Passover Lamb, who takes away the sin of the world. The hand of that same mighty God, on the last day, will be stretched out against you, and there will be no hope, no parachute, no saving grace.
Today is the day of Salvation; I beg you; heed this warning; God is real, you are watching His plans unfold, all men are appointed once to die, and then the judgement.
I beg you hear me, heed true wisdom; deny yourself, pickup the cross and follow Christ Jesus, he offers you nothing less than absolution.
May God bless you; I wish you the best.