Leaked emails show that Kamala Harris and the democrats slowed disaster relief in North Carolina to kill as many North Carolina Hurricane victims as possible
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
Ya'll... smdh
edit: I'm all for showing Dem ineptitude or or evil or evil through ineptitude, but this ain't it.
Yeah I don’t know what the smoking gun here is either
For real. I’m assuming most people that are liking this post, didn’t even open the images in the tweet to read the emails. This is nothing, and yet stickied for some reason.
Ok I deleted last comment that said this is standard SOP for initial IC. Which it is, but then I realized these two names in the tweet pics are Director of Community Engagement and President/CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC. No offense to OP but this post is dumb. It has nothing really to do with anything that the title says.
I'm...not really seeing the damnable evidence myself on this one after reading the emails. And then, there were the mocking follow-on comments on X. Ugh. Read/discern SMARTER, folks.
I don't see it
Hang them all is what I vote for.
Yes. it's logical and now obvious.
Oh yes, that's the real reason they are there.
Looters are not FEMA personnel (hope not).
Exactly what they pulled in Lahaina. No mention of the 500 missing from Lahaina.
You are 100% right.
Truck driver making supply-run for NC telling you what he is seeing.
Keep praying the Lord will hear our calls to end this and all evil perpetuating across the world. I honestly don't know how any sane person can vote for these demons. You have to be brainwashed or one of them.
I am glad some are waking up
Has anyone seen/heard the NC Governor? I think I saw him once, where DeSantis is all over the place and leading like a boss. I can't say I've heard much from Tennessee's governor either. Just curious.
I have not. Don't even know who he is.
Roy Cooper
Thank you so much.
The point is that once they realize "it's bad" they tell people to "stay away" while "we have meetings to figure out what to do" They should have had met before the event to develop action plans, and then kick them off immediately.
They are so evil. Get them all is what I would like to do.