My predictions for the elections 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by Cat_Anon ago by Cat_Anon +169 / -1

I usually post my predictions for the next 6 months on January 1 and July 1. Then I ask everyone to chime in with their predictions. I had computer issues, so I didn’t post my regular this July, but I think now would be the perfect time to make our predictions for what about to happen. Trump has said a few things which I believe are important to guess what could happen.

  1. Trump has said repeatedly “They will try to cheat again, but this time we will stop them.”
  2. In the past, Trump urged everyone to not vote until election day. This year, he is urging everyone to vote early. Was he wrong last time?
  3. Trump has stated he wants to have just a single national day to vote, no more early voting.
  4. Since last year, Trump has called the 2024 election “the final battle.”

I’m watching the trends, and comparing the media narrative compared to 2020. I do believe the patriots are in control, even in control of the MSM narrative when they want to be. In 2020, every news story was reporting a huge Biden win. Some reports were showing Biden winning by double digits in some swing states. It felt like last time, the purpose of the propaganda was to make people question the difference with what the media was telling them vs what they witnessed with their own eyes.

This time around, it feels different. It feels like the purpose of the the narrative is to demoralize Harris supporters and to cause panic in the establishment. Many of the polls are showing Trump ahead. Why? They can lie about the polls all they want, just like they did in 2020. We then have Obama making discouraging comments about Harris, Biden constantly backstabbing Harris.

How will Trump “stop the cheating?” this time if they couldn’t stop it last time? Will they arrest 2000 mules? Possibly, but unlikely. I believe there is a very good chance Harris drops out before the election, and the democrats are required to pick a different candidate. This would destroy weeks of ballot harvesting. I believe Trump might want as many people to vote early, because if Harris drops out and everyone realizes their vote is not as important, many Trump voters might stay home. This would make it impossible for the democrats to steal the election–it’s not going to be Harris receives 80 million votes, Walz receives 80 million votes, and Trump receves 70 million votes. Although I think we could see Trump with 90 million plus votes while Walz would be left with around 40 M. If such an event were to happen, it would be the Democrats would be the ones howling to end early voting.

Don’t celebrate yet. I do NOT think Trump will be inaugurated in January. I think the establishment will find an excuse to keep Trump out of the White House. His sentencing is coming up later in November. Trump might even be in jail in January time. If you thought people were pissed in 2020, imagine how much more they would be if our officials a blatantly going against the overwhelming will of the people.

All of the rhetoric of “harmful for democracy” will be exposed for what it is. We will also see once again all of the establishment Republicans that join the democrats in ensuring Trump remains out of office. The establishment might even inaugurate a “Republican” of their choice in place of Trump as making a weak attempt at showing they are honoring the will of the people. Our economy sucks, but we still have NOT reached any precipice. We are going to reach the precipice under the establishment, not under Trump.I think something really scary is going to occur. It could be a horrible situation with the immigrants, it could be shipment shortages, it could be World War 3, or it could be something we haven’t considered.

Despite all of this negative prediction, I do think Trump will somehow find himself in the White House by June 0f 2025 after court cases and\or military intervention.

I know these predictions are rather specific so that makes it unlikely to happen just like this, but I pretty certain it’s going to be a shaking ride so buckle up.

What are you predictions for the election?