There seems to be something more to the Vem Miller story ...
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
The man they just arrested for supposedly "trying to kill" Trump in my good friend and business partner for America Happens, Vem Miller.
Vem had just exposed a huge Deep State cover-up involving the Feds and the Bundy Ranch scandal.
The video referred to in the tweet: Bundy vs. Deep State - An Original America Happens Documentary
Please explain WHY he would have been let go on bond IF THERE IS SO MUCH EVIDENCE OF WRONG DOING LIKE MULTIPLE ID'S ETC. I can not understand them just letting him go. It did say that further charges, if any, would be filed by the FEDs. Is that to shut him up for doing a Bundy investigation etc. THIS DOES NOT PASS THE SMELL TEST. Can not wait to hear Trumps take on it all.