I couldn't agree with this more. What makes Trump so awesome, among other things, is the fact that he's NOT a politician, refuses to speak/doubletalk like one and actually does mean what he says and follows thru on it. Case in point, his inauguration speech. At the time, it was just words, like every other politician making a riveting speech. But Trump kept his promises and delivered exactly what he said.
Also Trump, unlike Vance, actually DID SOMETHING IN HIS LIFE. Actually built things. Like places for people to live and work.
So sick of politicians who have never done anything but talk, manipulate, etc. Not a damn clue how to build and maintain civilization, but boy they sure all know how things should be.
I couldn't agree with this more. What makes Trump so awesome, among other things, is the fact that he's NOT a politician, refuses to speak/doubletalk like one and actually does mean what he says and follows thru on it. Case in point, his inauguration speech. At the time, it was just words, like every other politician making a riveting speech. But Trump kept his promises and delivered exactly what he said.
Also Trump, unlike Vance, actually DID SOMETHING IN HIS LIFE. Actually built things. Like places for people to live and work.
So sick of politicians who have never done anything but talk, manipulate, etc. Not a damn clue how to build and maintain civilization, but boy they sure all know how things should be.
We didn't even understand the depth of his Inauguration Speech at the time...