I am 36 and think I am developing RA. It comes and goes every few months and I notice flare ups if I eat a lot of processed foods or junk foods in a day. The internet isn’t the best place to search for treatments so I was wondering if any of y’all had suggestions of holistic or underground approaches to help with this. I have been doing keto/ one day fasts the past month and didn’t have any issues until I had a cheat day this weekend which is what cause my suspected flare up.
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Cotton is the most heavily sprayed of all agricultural monocrops, for starters.
For nexters, the processes used to create seed oils is literally industrial chemistry, so the "oil" ends up not only with pesticide residues but petrochemical residues, and more.
Terrible terrible thing.
Rebuild gut flora/health with whole, naturally fermented foods.
I think they also rotate peanuts with cotton, so all the poison they put on the cotton gets rotated into peanuts.
Heard that anecdote many years ago as an explanation for the rise of peanut allergies.
I read about the start of vaccine manufacturers using peanut oil as a stabilizing medium for their injections and the unending increases in peanut allergies.
where does it stop?????………and the ever present canola polymerizes with heat.
That is correct as well in some cropping systems, and I completely forgot about it. THANK YOU.
peanut allergies is vax related. they started using peanut oil as a base. peoples bodies started to overreact to the peanut protein.
lime disease is really the government tried to weaponize cow pox. ticks infected now inject the protein into people. never eat steak again if you get got.