What’s everyones’ opinion on the Tesla Optimus that Elon is talking about rolling out millions of per year at $20-30k per?
Rolling out in 2026, alongside the Tesla Taxi and Bus.
Between these and AI, what in the world is the world going to look like in 2 years?
Obviously there are and will be risks with these things. There were risks with planes, blimps, metallurgy, gunpowder, chemistry, and every other technology. “People don’t die from gunshots if there are no guns.”
The idea of robots and AI and self-automated-everything being everywhere isn’t necessarily pastoral and idyllic, BUT on the flip side, if we let bad actors run this show instead of looking at this with optimism, we very likely will end up with bad actors running the show on the exact script we feared.
365 x “Fear Not.”
The “we had no idea we were the last ones” meme is very real. Still, it looks like the bull of this future is coming. Do we take it by the horns or let someone else be the cowboy?
I had only seen these coming from places like Boston Dynamics and maybe Japan. Did not know that Musk was going to have genpop models.
Gen. 2: 7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. When they can do this, I will be impressed. Adam had all the coding in his DNA but only when God breathed into him the breath of life did he become a living being.