posted ago by bubble_bursts ago by bubble_bursts +29 / -0

If you are one of those Anons who likes to peek behind the curtain once in a while, I think this is an interesting phenomenon.

After Biden's debate failure, even the lefty media threw Biden under the bus. Infact they seemed to be in a hurry, as if they were eager to do the change of batter.

Contrast that to Kamala's Fox interview reaction by the lefty media:


They have their script and they are calling it "testy". There are also calling it a "change of Harris strategy towards Fox" and spinning desperately.

What does this really mean, as far as the 4D chess is concerned. I think Biden being removed was organised within the Dem faction of the Cabal - whoever is pulling Obama's strings. This was relatively painless since this was all within Dems and the deals musta been cut before hand.

With Kamala, however, it looks like the Dem faction of Cabal is not behind this coming change, so who is orchestrating this? I think the key is the choice of the interviewer - Bret Baier. Looking at his career, looks like this is when he got his big break:

On September 11, 2001, he drove from Georgia to Arlington, Virginia, to cover the attack on the Pentagon. He never returned to the Atlanta bureau and was instead tapped as the network's Pentagon correspondent, remaining at the post for five years and taking 11 trips to Afghanistan and 13 trips to Iraq

Yeah, looks like he was propped up by the "forever war" Zionists, and now the same Zionists seem to have decided to pull the plug from Kamala.

Why? It has to do with escalating the war against Iran and Biden/Kamala are just not cutting it. So they are satisfied with Trump's bait with the Iran rhetorics (how does Trump manage to fool these people again and again?)

We are getting very close to the "Saving Israel for the Last" every minute. Once all the other factions are completely eliminated in this in-fighting, then comes the Grand Finale - also known as "Precipice".