BD, what's going on is Q subtly showing the average American citizen what's coming down the pike. In his posts he alluded to a prevalent evil in America that is going to be swept away. This sting operation just before the election is a taste of the tsunami that will hit after the election. Hundred of pedos won't be arrested, but hundreds of thousands will. Think how that will affect towns and even regions of this country. Friendships will evaporate and families will implode. Q wants us to get prepared for the eventual outcomes and how to handle those trying times. Plus we will be needed by Leftists as a shoulder to cry on and give reassurement that their lives are not over if a loved one is facing a jail sentence or execution. Q has prepared pedes for being a healing force, not just a cudgul to pound on lefties. The arresting of a huge number of pedos will be thebbeginning of the healing process for this country and maybe the world. Let's not add to folks' misery just because they are of a different political persuasion. Maybe their eyes will finally be opened and they will see how good Conservatives really are.
Tynyyn...I like the way you think, and you're screed points this out quite well...I would also imagine that we all will be taken aback by the "religious" side of things that have not even been considered, as of yet!!!!!!!
The religious clergy are also involved and it doesn't matter what religious sect they belong too!!!!!
I am just bringing this out so that everyone's blinders come off NOW instead of later when it begins to happen...
Thank you for what you have alluded to, and I do hope the blinders are off!!!!
Thank you so much, Bully for this. It's a very serious thing and all these people. What the hell is going on?
BD, what's going on is Q subtly showing the average American citizen what's coming down the pike. In his posts he alluded to a prevalent evil in America that is going to be swept away. This sting operation just before the election is a taste of the tsunami that will hit after the election. Hundred of pedos won't be arrested, but hundreds of thousands will. Think how that will affect towns and even regions of this country. Friendships will evaporate and families will implode. Q wants us to get prepared for the eventual outcomes and how to handle those trying times. Plus we will be needed by Leftists as a shoulder to cry on and give reassurement that their lives are not over if a loved one is facing a jail sentence or execution. Q has prepared pedes for being a healing force, not just a cudgul to pound on lefties. The arresting of a huge number of pedos will be thebbeginning of the healing process for this country and maybe the world. Let's not add to folks' misery just because they are of a different political persuasion. Maybe their eyes will finally be opened and they will see how good Conservatives really are.
Tynyyn...I like the way you think, and you're screed points this out quite well...I would also imagine that we all will be taken aback by the "religious" side of things that have not even been considered, as of yet!!!!!!!
The religious clergy are also involved and it doesn't matter what religious sect they belong too!!!!!
I am just bringing this out so that everyone's blinders come off NOW instead of later when it begins to happen...
Thank you for what you have alluded to, and I do hope the blinders are off!!!!
Well said.
I would love to see them all swept away. My niece's family (in-law side, not my side) were caught. Oh yes, it's a hard thing to watch.
Glad to help bd. Not everyone wants to click the link so...I'm here to help.
You are good.