Made a post about all the obese health ministers mocking them and the phony big pharma belief system about food, alcohol, and vaccines.
I printed out back in 2020 4 pages of vaccines and the ingredients in each one. I tried to upload them and got a “well let you know when it’s finished uploading” needless to say, the tab saying that disappeared and my post is nowhere to be found. So they won’t let me share information that came straight from the CDC.Gov ‘s own website and data center.
I made a post 10 minutes later pointing out how that post is uploaded and the latter got probably deleted. Tried to remake and upload the post and now it glitches out and won’t let me make post or story uploads.
“Never leave the digital battlefield” WELP, How does one battle when they are censored?
Put it in a meme? Does that still bypass the censorship?
Not really.
Checksums can identify a known "bad" meme. You can resize it or screen cap it and then share to defeat this.
But my 4yo iPhone can select text in an image now. if an iPhone can identify it, AI can read it no problem.
I went to my notepad to type and took a screenshot, figured I’d try putting it on my story. Nope, If I click story or post it just refreshes the page.
The second time I tried uploading the documents. I tried to mask them by putting the text as “Pictures from my vacation trip to Spain” and it still wouldn’t upload them. They caught on, so now I can’t post any kind of content.
Maybe try messing with the high probability of censored words like 'vaccine' and 'covid' and try drawing a line through them with paint program but not so you can't read the original word, just to maybe prevent it from being scanned by the algorithms/ai.
Crazy the ministry of truth doesn't allow certain words and I’m not about to bend over backwards for Facebook, peace out FB.
Seems more like a software/app issue rather than censorship. I'm no IT person though.