I already got my red light lamp and blue light blocking shades thank to Jack. He is certainly following the same line of thinking as Trump whether he realizes it or not with his "decentralized" medicine.
I know blue light comes from the screens of our devices but what about the LED lights they push on us? What about the LED headlights that look blueish coming at you on the road? The LED streetlamps? What about all these LED Christmas lights that have an overall blueish tint? Ive been saying to my wife for several years now that the Christmas lights have too much blue anymore.
LED lights are absent of red light, some say on purpose. Incandescent lights included red light but they too lacked the full spectrum, think the bulbs sold in Alaska and why.
I couldn't agree more regarding LED Christmas lights. We threw out ours even before this info came "to light". They don't illumine the tree or anything they surround. Just an irritating speck of light.
Another doc is considering blue light with the massive spike in diabetes:
I already got my red light lamp and blue light blocking shades thank to Jack. He is certainly following the same line of thinking as Trump whether he realizes it or not with his "decentralized" medicine.
I know blue light comes from the screens of our devices but what about the LED lights they push on us? What about the LED headlights that look blueish coming at you on the road? The LED streetlamps? What about all these LED Christmas lights that have an overall blueish tint? Ive been saying to my wife for several years now that the Christmas lights have too much blue anymore.
LED lights are absent of red light, some say on purpose. Incandescent lights included red light but they too lacked the full spectrum, think the bulbs sold in Alaska and why. I couldn't agree more regarding LED Christmas lights. We threw out ours even before this info came "to light". They don't illumine the tree or anything they surround. Just an irritating speck of light. Another doc is considering blue light with the massive spike in diabetes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLQqKJIIFVM
Where did you buy the shades from? I know he mentions it but it’s so long to listen through again. Hope you don’t mind….
I've started to wear cheaters so i bought a clip on. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXPBXYXC