We don't even know if and what part of that story is real
These CNN / MSNPC people are so fake I believe their fakeness extends to their newcoolier family as well. Meaning all news stories about her about them are all fakes like she is.
The weird, hypnotic cadance with which she speaks is telling of CIA / Langley neuro-linguistics training. It was an immediate tell for me. The wildly unnatural cadance made me initially think she wasn't even real (like an AI software CGI generated talking head or something)
This woman was the very first person on the clown news that actually scared me and made me feel like our mainstream media had been totally taken over by cia-soros fact-karens and news robots that were running a wide and deep mind rape propaganda campaign without end...Lena Wen made me demoralized, feel like we were losing if this is the news now
Because I know that 75% of people in america seem to STILL think the news is real and they're getting it from this fucking woman
Clowns in America working with the deep state in China that Xi is fighting? I got her confused with that chinese whistleblower Steve Bannon kept parading around. Whatever happened to her?
Is she still crisis acting now that she made her own kid retarded by her mask mandates?
If paid enough, she will.
We don't even know if and what part of that story is real
These CNN / MSNPC people are so fake I believe their fakeness extends to their newcoolier family as well. Meaning all news stories about her about them are all fakes like she is.
Wasn't she also the president of Planned Parenthood before that?
Yeah, I think so.
The weird, hypnotic cadance with which she speaks is telling of CIA / Langley neuro-linguistics training. It was an immediate tell for me. The wildly unnatural cadance made me initially think she wasn't even real (like an AI software CGI generated talking head or something)
This woman was the very first person on the clown news that actually scared me and made me feel like our mainstream media had been totally taken over by cia-soros fact-karens and news robots that were running a wide and deep mind rape propaganda campaign without end...Lena Wen made me demoralized, feel like we were losing if this is the news now
Because I know that 75% of people in america seem to STILL think the news is real and they're getting it from this fucking woman
Our news have been a movie all along.
Clowns in America working with the deep state in China that Xi is fighting? I got her confused with that chinese whistleblower Steve Bannon kept parading around. Whatever happened to her?
Steve Bannon has been harping on it for so long.
Wow…the depth and breath of the deception is incredible. And the work to get normies to understand is also incredible.
Some never wake or refused to do so.
More Wu Wei, less of this lady
I want that. I cannot even stand her or Birx when they came on.