Cut the size of the federal government by at east 80% and most government spending. A reasonable national sales tax would be a lot fairer than the system we have. Tax the purchase of luxury items but not essentials like food and medicine. Eliminating income taxes is very doable.
Cut the size of the federal government by at east 80% and most government spending. A reasonable national sales tax would be a lot fairer than the system we have. Tax the purchase of luxury items but not essentials like food and medicine. Eliminating income taxes is very doable.
I would think if we eliminated all unconstitutional agencies (Like CIA, IRS, BLM, ATF) and ended aid to dependent dictators, we'd not have far to go.
Get rid of a million federal employees and associated payroll and there is no need to gather that much in taxes. Government has become a jobs program.
edit: 2.9 million
Yes! When I discuss this with people you wouldn't believe how many of them say "well federal workers pay taxes too 🤪".