They collect SS money and it goes into the same pile as other tax money.
Nothing is set aside for you or anyone else. There is no "lock box."
SCOTUS ruled back in 1939 that SS is a welfare program, not a retirement fund.
In fact, while FDR was promoting it as a retirement program to the public, his attorneys were arguing in the courts that it was a welfare program, because they knew that the feds have no constitutional authority to impose a retirement program in the States.
You never "paid in" to anything.
It is a scam, and always was.
They collect SS money and it goes into the same pile as other tax money.
Nothing is set aside for you or anyone else. There is no "lock box."
SCOTUS ruled back in 1939 that SS is a welfare program, not a retirement fund.
In fact, while FDR was promoting it as a retirement program to the public, his attorneys were arguing in the courts that it was a welfare program, because they knew that the feds have no constitutional authority to impose a retirement program in the States.