I knew someone who went to europe. He tried some cheese despite being insanely intolerant of dairy, because it was an occasion. he felt fine so he tried more the next day, and within a few days, he was eating ice cream and drinking lattes. He came back to the states and returned to being intolerant. The conclusion being that the milk here is different from the milk there.
I knew someone who went to europe. He tried some cheese despite being insanely intolerant of dairy, because it was an occasion. he felt fine so he tried more the next day, and within a few days, he was eating ice cream and drinking lattes. He came back to the states and returned to being intolerant. The conclusion being that the milk here is different from the milk there.
In Europe the milk you buy from a supermarket doesn't spoil as quickly. And the milk has an earthy smell to it. Almost like raw milk but not as close.
Raw milk is just on another higher level due to the fat and cream you will never find in supermarket milk in the US.