💥🗳🌎 I think I figured out how to proven ballot fraud once and for all, and a way to ensure paper ballots only, no machines. 💥🗳🌎
🤔💠Theory 😲💡
Flood the precincts nationwide with about 200 million UOCAVA and fake ballots.
Yes, that's right, close the distance before the torpedo can arm itself.
Head into the torpedo and commit more fraud than the dems to prove how easy it is to commit voter fraud.
The Hunters Become the Hunted.
I think the treasury should print ballots with watermarks like on currency and each ballot should have a number using an algorithm that is impossible to duplicate such as what they use for lottery tickets that prevents fraud. To get the ballot, you should present voter identification. If we put our heads together, we can stop this cheating. Any other ideas out there?