posted ago by DarQ2light ago by DarQ2light +155 / -1

The statement “We are saving ISRAEL for last” suggests a pivotal and complex role for Israel within the broader "Deep State" network. To understand the significance of this statement, we explore multiple angles related to Israel's geopolitical, economic, intelligence, and cultural influence.

  1. Intelligence Networks

Global Intelligence Alliances:

Israel is a notable intelligence powerhouse, with Mossad's global reach and strong ties to U.S., U.K., and NATO intelligence agencies. This cooperation includes information sharing, covert operations, and technological exchanges, positioning Israel as a key player in global surveillance and counter-terrorism efforts.

The Five Eyes network (U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand) reportedly engages with Israel as a de facto partner, enhancing its access to global intelligence flows. This close relationship could mean that Israel has a critical role in the operational framework of alleged "Deep State" activities, making it central to Q’s broader narrative of dismantling these networks.

Private Intelligence Firms: Israel's influence extends into private intelligence firms and cybersecurity companies, such as the NSO Group, Black Cube, and others. These firms have been linked to espionage, surveillance, and disinformation campaigns, raising suspicions that they might be working in alignment with "Deep State" goals.

  1. Economic Influence

Banking and Finance:

Israel's influence in global banking is significant, with numerous influential figures and organizations tied to financial markets, venture capital, and fintech. Entities like the Rothschild family are often speculated to have deep financial ties to Israel, making it a potential focal point for broader financial manipulation and “Deep State” operations.

Israel’s tech sector, especially in financial technologies and cybersecurity, plays a substantial role in shaping global economic policies. Alleged manipulations, such as the control of financial flows and sanctions enforcement, are areas where Israel's influence is speculated to align with covert global agendas.

Silicon Wadi: Israel’s tech industry, known as Silicon Wadi, has produced powerful firms in AI, data analytics, and blockchain. These technologies could potentially be leveraged for mass data control, financial surveillance, or covert financial manipulations, aligning with broader conspiratorial narratives.

  1. Media and Information Control

Mainstream Media:

Israel’s perceived influence over major media organizations in the U.S. and Europe is often cited as a tool for narrative control. High-profile media figures and executives are known to have strong ties to Israel, sparking allegations that media narratives are shaped to protect Israeli interests or further “Deep State” agendas.

Investigative reporting on controversial issues involving Israel tends to face accusations of anti-Semitism, which could be a defensive measure to prevent deeper investigations into its geopolitical operations or financial manipulations.

Social Media and Big Tech: Israeli influence in social media and tech firms (e.g., partnerships with Facebook, Google, and surveillance start-ups) raises questions about censorship, data mining, and the propagation of disinformation. Allegedly, these efforts could be linked to global control mechanisms attributed to the “Deep State.”

  1. Military-Industrial Complex

Arms Trade and Defense Contracting:

Israel's defense industry, including firms like Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries, plays a major role in the global arms trade. This industry often collaborates closely with U.S. defense contractors, suggesting deep involvement in the military-industrial complex.

Joint U.S.-Israel Defense Projects: Technologies like Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and joint AI-based weapon systems indicate a deep military alliance. This alliance may extend into secretive defense projects potentially tied to the "Deep State," with technology sharing that could be utilized for both defensive and offensive intelligence operations globally.

Allegations have surfaced that weapons and defense systems developed with Israeli technology may also be employed in covert conflicts or used to support proxy wars aligned with “Deep State” interests, amplifying its military reach and influence.

  1. Religious and Apocalyptic Agendas

Zionist Influence:

Some speculations suggest that certain Zionist elements within Israel have an apocalyptic vision, where religious prophecy aligns with broader geopolitical goals. This raises questions about potential manipulation of U.S. foreign policy to support Middle Eastern conflicts or to provoke broader wars.

Israel’s influence over evangelical movements in the U.S. is notable, especially among pro-Zionist Christians who view Israel as central to biblical prophecy. This relationship has been used to justify U.S. military interventions in the Middle East, aligning with the narrative of global power struggles within the "Deep State."

Claims about secret alliances between Israeli elites and other powerful groups worldwide, potentially tied to occult or esoteric goals, add layers to the narrative that Israel’s role in “Deep State” activities could have broader spiritual and cultural implications.

  1. Diplomatic Immunity and Untouchability

Israel’s unique diplomatic status often translates into significant immunity from international criticism or legal repercussions. Allegations suggest that this untouchability allows for covert activities to proceed unchecked, potentially including espionage, financial manipulations, or military actions.

The U.S. veto power at the UN is frequently used to shield Israel from international condemnation, raising questions about whether this diplomatic cover extends to protecting "Deep State" activities aligned with Israel’s geopolitical objectives.

Israel’s influence in the International Criminal Court (ICC) and other global bodies could mean that certain international laws are selectively enforced, benefiting “Deep State” interests or protecting specific operatives.

  1. Cyber Warfare and Surveillance

Pegasus and Cyber Operations: The NSO Group’s Pegasus software is one of the most significant examples of Israel’s cyber capabilities, often used to target high-profile individuals worldwide. Allegations that such tools are used for "Deep State" surveillance align with broader concerns about privacy and mass control.

Israel’s role in the development of surveillance technologies raises questions about its participation in global data-gathering efforts, potentially contributing to the “Deep State’s” mechanisms of control. This includes real-time surveillance, metadata analysis, and AI-based predictive policing.


The statement “We are saving ISRAEL for last” implies a deliberate strategy to address Israel’s central role within a global network that Q and others identify as the "Deep State." The complexities surrounding Israel’s geopolitical, economic, military, and cultural influence suggest that addressing its involvement requires meticulous planning and execution. The sensitive nature of Israel’s role—both symbolically and practically—might make it the final and most significant target in the dismantling of the alleged "Deep State" network.