As Paul is teaching that God's grace now covers not only the Israelites but the Gentiles also, the question rises as to whether God has forsaken his initially chosen children.
Paul addresses this question by saying that the fact that God's grace now covers Gentiles does not mean He has forsaken the Israelites.
Romans 11 establishes that Christinity is not just for non-Israelites but also for Israelites and both of them can follow the teachings of Jesus to reach the Kingdom of heaven, and the Israelites are not bound to keep following the old teachings. They don't need to keep sacrificing animals, nor praying in Tabarnacles.
Agreed! But they are free to (at least where Tabernacles is concerned), as long as they understand they are free to, and do not have to for salvation. Some Christians also join their Messianic Israelite brothers and sisters in celebrating Tabernacles, and some of these even believe Jesus was likely born on the first day of Tabernacles.
Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead.
Believers are Tabernacles. Are they celebrating themselves?
GOD hasn't forsaken anyone but His Only BEGOTTEN Son. That was for our Salvation.
Nothing Lives unless it's connected to the Living Vine.
That's biblical and scientific.
As Paul is teaching that God's grace now covers not only the Israelites but the Gentiles also, the question rises as to whether God has forsaken his initially chosen children.
Paul addresses this question by saying that the fact that God's grace now covers Gentiles does not mean He has forsaken the Israelites.
Romans 11 establishes that Christinity is not just for non-Israelites but also for Israelites and both of them can follow the teachings of Jesus to reach the Kingdom of heaven, and the Israelites are not bound to keep following the old teachings. They don't need to keep sacrificing animals, nor praying in Tabarnacles.
Agreed! But they are free to (at least where Tabernacles is concerned), as long as they understand they are free to, and do not have to for salvation. Some Christians also join their Messianic Israelite brothers and sisters in celebrating Tabernacles, and some of these even believe Jesus was likely born on the first day of Tabernacles.
Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead. Believers are Tabernacles. Are they celebrating themselves? GOD hasn't forsaken anyone but His Only BEGOTTEN Son. That was for our Salvation. Nothing Lives unless it's connected to the Living Vine. That's biblical and scientific.