“no Christian that listens to the Holy Spirit believes that b.s.”
Yes did not Jesus say Broad is the way that leads to destruction? Is not the narrow the path? Many are called but few are chosen? The list goes on…
Sure I did not say exactly the scripture but that too is a misinformation.. we have how many versions of the Bible and how many people claim their version is the one to use? As well as these more liberal churches that will use ALL the versions and take pieces from each when needed to make their narrative?
So just because one claims they are a Christian or a church claims they are a Christian church doesn’t mean they are listening to the Holy Spirit—many Christian’s claim the Holy Ghost is not real.
The division has been there for thousands of years and I pray to be weak and I am weak. I am not worthy of Jesus and I am also human…
Stop putting people in boxes and labeling them… understand this shows who you are. Every democratic weak minded person has to put everyone in a box and label it… this is why they are weak people :)
Jesus will use someone like Saul who murdered real Christian’s to do His work. Jesus picks those who are the correct person for such tasks.
When the whole world hates someone it might be a good idea to pray and ask…. ;)
You answered your own question.
“no Christian that listens to the Holy Spirit believes that b.s.”
Yes did not Jesus say Broad is the way that leads to destruction? Is not the narrow the path? Many are called but few are chosen? The list goes on…
Sure I did not say exactly the scripture but that too is a misinformation.. we have how many versions of the Bible and how many people claim their version is the one to use? As well as these more liberal churches that will use ALL the versions and take pieces from each when needed to make their narrative?
So just because one claims they are a Christian or a church claims they are a Christian church doesn’t mean they are listening to the Holy Spirit—many Christian’s claim the Holy Ghost is not real.
The division has been there for thousands of years and I pray to be weak and I am weak. I am not worthy of Jesus and I am also human…
Stop putting people in boxes and labeling them… understand this shows who you are. Every democratic weak minded person has to put everyone in a box and label it… this is why they are weak people :)
Jesus will use someone like Saul who murdered real Christian’s to do His work. Jesus picks those who are the correct person for such tasks.
When the whole world hates someone it might be a good idea to pray and ask…. ;)