The objective of stopping evil is really important. Project Looking Glass, Time travel, predictive programming, an assembled think tank operation, aliens, it doesn't matter... All that matters is that you vote Trump, red pill others to vote Trump, and convince other's to stay the fuck out of the way. There is no need at all to make people into Q believers. We are in the end game. Q said we would know in time who he/they are, and that we would be surprised who Q is. JFK Jr, Elon Musk, Flynn, Scavino, etcetera.
NCSWIC and WWG1WGA in America and Worldwide.
As digital soldiers, it's our job to shepard the weak, downtrodden and confused....
They need to watch The Greatest Show on Earth via Rumble to understand WHY we KNOW and BELIEVE what we do on the Great Awakening.
It's easy to just remain low IQ, never dig for information at all yourself and expect to be spoonfed everything that makes up your entire paradigm and belief system as it relates to what's really going on and the Q Plan.
In fact, that's human nature in the cyber world - with more information available than can be properly digested and assimilated - so most just read headlines or just "go with the flow" with whatever is "popular opinion" - and that's not only stupid, but dangerous... I'd say much if our current dilemma is a direct result of this laziness and non-thinking.
Imagine excluding everything that Q clued us in on from your perspective COMPLETELY - because you misunderstood it to begin with, had EXTREMELY unrealistic expectations of it (if Q doesn't XYZ, then it's bs...hur hur...a derp) AND you found a group of like minded retards with the exact same cognitive dissonance so you could repeatedly stroke each other about being right...all the while not knowing that you're completely wrong... Can you imagine? It's sad... but true.