35 If a major attempt were made to disrupt communication systems, NCSWIC’s role would be to help ensure that critical communication channels for public safety and emergency response remain functional, supporting overall resilience during such a crisis. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. (www.cisa.gov) posted 3 months ago by DarQ2light 3 months ago by DarQ2light +35 / -0 National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators | CISA 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Might be interesting , havent watched but its broken into chapters so a few segments could be of value
Real Talk w/ CISA Director Jen Easterly & Caitlin Sarian
Jen Easterly head of CISA was appointed by Joe Biden. Coincidentally, CISA is also tasked with election security. Don’t think we’re going to get any help from CISA.
Interesting the Musk is very close to Trump and Musk's company Starlink provides portable satellite internet boxes. This is not a coincidence.
Yes. Good catch.
Moves and countermoves. For the last four years, it seems that the Patriot Team has had the Deep State’s playbook.
That's because Q gave it to the world to read.
Have you guys downloaded the Signal app? I’ve been hearing about it .. just in case they put some crap
Dark Ness Monster