My first job was a bag boy at a grocery store. I used to LOVE collecting shopping carts. It meant I didn't have to deal with customers.
I would intentionally collect carts from the far end of the lot just to stay outside. Granted I was in Southern California and not in the snow, but it still shows there are instances where you can bring joy into someone's life by not returning the cart.
When I got promoted to checker, I loved the pay increase, but I always missed that opportunity to get away and go outside.
I remember collecting carts back in the day. Every now and then i would find random stuff people would leave in their carts. Even found purses a few times and would take the shit to the customer service department. One time i found a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream. I kept that shit i promise you.
I'm disabled and sometimes I park the cart to the side b/c the cart return is too far away (I don't understand why some stores put the cart returns in the middle of a large parking lot far away from the handicapped parking!) and I'm in too much pain/too tired to take it all the way there. Now if it's close by and I'm feeling OK, I actually tidy up the cart corral (push the carts together; push the carts all the way in; etc.)
Sometimes you leave the cart out so the kid who collects them has a job.
My first job was a bag boy at a grocery store. I used to LOVE collecting shopping carts. It meant I didn't have to deal with customers.
I would intentionally collect carts from the far end of the lot just to stay outside. Granted I was in Southern California and not in the snow, but it still shows there are instances where you can bring joy into someone's life by not returning the cart.
When I got promoted to checker, I loved the pay increase, but I always missed that opportunity to get away and go outside.
Thanks Monomial. I usually get flames for that comment.
Sometimes you leave the cart out so someone does not need to come up with a quarter.
I remember collecting carts back in the day. Every now and then i would find random stuff people would leave in their carts. Even found purses a few times and would take the shit to the customer service department. One time i found a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream. I kept that shit i promise you.
I'm disabled and sometimes I park the cart to the side b/c the cart return is too far away (I don't understand why some stores put the cart returns in the middle of a large parking lot far away from the handicapped parking!) and I'm in too much pain/too tired to take it all the way there. Now if it's close by and I'm feeling OK, I actually tidy up the cart corral (push the carts together; push the carts all the way in; etc.)