THEORY TIME: Kamala Harris wins the 2024 election
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
Trump needs to be far removed from the situation before the arrests occur, otherwise they will forever blame him and have more fuel for the rioters. Trump will lose the 2024 election. Kamala Harris will be arrested as a sitting president for election fraud, by the U.S. military. Expect riots to occur as the liberals rage when everything is taken from them. Feel free to poke holes in this theory but we have it all, just need to wait for the perfect time to strike.
Edit: Q said expect riots to occur. We patriots are not going to riot if we lose. SOOO where does that leave us? Why was the military really authorized to now shoot civilians?
I don't agree. That would bring war. Better if fraud was stopped and TRUMP won all 50 states.
Did Trump already serve his second term? Did the military take control? Can Trump serve a third term? Just questions. I hope you are right as I dont want war either but we need a MAJOR precipice moment.
I've heard ideas that basically every law made after ww2 was illegal when they put us all into slavery with the income tax, presidential term limits being one of them.
Trump said two things that made me think about the plan.
He could have paused the election as being a wartime President and might not have to tell us.
This means he is still at war and this election doesn't matter.
Lots of tinfoil but it wouldn't surprise me. Fake news is fake after all. I don't know one person that died during Covid. Sure people have been saying so and so died of Covid but it was the same numbers as the flu and the flu disappeared during Covid.
The people who died who were in hospital were on vents and given remdesevir which often caused kidney failure. t wasn't the covid that killed them, it was the oxygen forced into them which their body couldn't process and the drugs. The elderly people who died in care homes were often deprived food and water. Were they on vents? I don't know. A lot of people died at home too, which logically couldn't have been covid (if you can't breathe you end up in hospital). So all cause mortality spiked but many died from heart attacks, suicide and other things in their own homes. Real cause? The lockdown. You can make anything look like another thing depending on how you present the stats. The truth is often in the stats too, but can be buried deep or manipulated.
I agree with the hospital deaths, but noone died at home with COVID. The hospitals either killed then, or the shot did. Buried a few family members myself. Both “COVID” related. Not by a virus. But by procedures. shots, remdesevir, etc, etc. And countless friends and people I know died. All the same. Hospital procedures and the death jab. The amount I know today that are injured is climbing higher by the month. Now including more family members and a crap ton of church family. Where is their justice? I can only count on God for hope and justice in this world.
No one died of covid. They died at the hospital and the " doctors and nurses " told the victims kin it was covid. You're right about flu label being changed to covid. Change name, run fear porn propaganda on 24/7 loop, get some doctors ( paid " experts " ) to push the narrative, and put some skeery signage and stickers up. That is all it took to push a sheep farm into chaos. Sick.
Points 1 & 2 are correct and great points to bring up cuz, uhh, yeah they matter. Those are big statements.