232 When all of this madness is finally over and done. White college educated liberal women. Can we take away their voting rights please? They’re retarded. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 113 days ago by AverageIdiotDoi 113 days ago by AverageIdiotDoi +233 / -1 85 comments download share 85 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Failure of politics is war. And right now I believe more women vote than men. By design.
When the violence of politics isn’t understood, it’s more likely to end in war.
War ends with less men.
Rinse, wash, repeat.
Oh and murder your offspring in the middle, and feed the other ones soy.
You know, for Justice and Equality.
Evil bastards.
We’ve had the bloodiest century in human history since 1913. Every government agency and amendment since then needs to be repealed.
Whatever the angry version of u/ updoot is.