This doesn't involve charges against Trump. That would be the only way a recusal could even be considered. {And even still, I find it stupid based on what a judge theoretically upholds}
We have an attempted assassination... Are they saying that she's going to charge Routh because she loves Trump?
Finally a judge that won’t be persuaded to “do the right thing” just because some bitches will get their feelings hurt.
She's immune to their bullshit :)
It doesn't even make sense in the first place.
This doesn't involve charges against Trump. That would be the only way a recusal could even be considered. {And even still, I find it stupid based on what a judge theoretically upholds}
We have an attempted assassination... Are they saying that she's going to charge Routh because she loves Trump?
Truly ridiculous.
Not a “huge” shock at all. Why would she? Just because crazy demos want it?
Watch the courts frens.
Sounds like Dems would like to give this guy a medal.
That picture.... is that chic with a dick? An altered photo?
Either way, very disrespectful
I’m not sure if you can tried a CIA assist
Dude has some underboob action