It was June 2019 and I was starting up my internship with a young, eccentric lawyer who spent much of his time out in New Mexico at Pow Wows. I had heard that his wife was not only drop-dead gorgeous, but she was very much wise beyond her 45 years. The lawyer had said she was "whacky" (he is a decade younger than her) -- and, yes, she was into "BoHo", "Hippie" and "tree-hugging" stuff.
Before I say this next part - you gotta understand something - we paralegals are extremely suspicious types to begin with. We have an innate discernment that we didn't get in our education; it's simply built-in. We also know the joke about "good lawyers" (joke= it's an oxymoron mostly?) So, with that said, -- yes, before I accepted the internship I had stalked the lawyer's social media. ('nuf said)
So now, here on the eve of the 4 year anniversary of the first Q post, I can't help but reflect on how I got here.
My gathering of intel on the lawyer revealed that his wife was following some sort of "Q stuff." I had no idea what that meant. I really wanted the internship to be over and done with before it even started. But once she and I had a chance to meet one afternoon while her husband was back out in NM, I was glad that I had a few more weeks to talk with her - I wanted to understand more about her. There was not one moment of that first meeting that I didn't believe what she was saying - because she backed up her comments by showing me "bread crumbs" and "Q drops." (more about that in a minute)
The things she spoke of were indisputable because it was a face-to-face with her and she showed me the information. Yet, it wasn't like I could just go home and tell my husband that "she said..." I had to do what she had done and pull it up for myself. Of course, he has remained neutral throughout the past two years. That is ... until I was right about the thing - you know - the thing that goes into your skin. One thing is for sure - this whole truth thing takes time and certainly has made me more patient.
So, I have continued to meet more and more people like me and it is wonderful that we can interact and share how intriguing it was that a post (Q Drop) would outline how something was going to happen, and then it actually did happen. It was like a crystal ball... But how did it work? We may never know the answer to that question.
So, back to the summer of 2019 --
I didn't keep up with it much and I was too busy anyway - covering the office by myself. Then -- ever so often, something happened that I remember (the wife) saying would happen. Whoa. how'd they know that would happen? Epstein - watch the water - the US Navy and the Russian Navy and the cargo ships in the canal - "Future Proves Past" - that phrase is said a lot. What that means is "here is what will happen in the future and now it happened and now it is the past" <--that's the proof. -- a Q proof.
A Q proof is a connecting of the dots. period. It is an absolutely amazing journey - it's like a perpetual game of "Clue."
It has also felt like being inside a corn maze - We The People are down in the maze and cannot see what's ahead -- from our perspective, but the 40+ people in the Q posse - The Patriots - have been able to see from above and they allowed us just enough "bread crumbs" to work the maze - trusting fully in God, sharing prayers, banding together, not hating -- and believing 100% that God Wins.
It doesn't matter how tough we are, there are just some things that we cannot stomach, and the preparations for that take time and a slow integration into the reasons that things have happened the way they have - all that is one big gigantic web (not deceit) "web" meaning all connected and all very much woven over decades and decades and centuries...
We've ALL been on this Q journey for varying lengths of time, and some of We the People don't even know it. But several things have become clear:
We have more than we know; We need to trust the plan; the plan changes- trust it anyway; United we are strong; We are the majority and ... WWG1WGA.
I have heard people ask many times, "If your God is real, then why does He allow bad things to happen to good people." I just remind them that MY God allows me to take my next breath, He doesn't have to... and so far God and Q have been right about everything... so, if you don't believe at this point -- you're running out of time -- maybe it's just better to believe and risk being wrong and go into a box in the ground - than to be wrong and spend eternity clawing, gnashing your teeth writhing in agony and burning in a lake of fire.
Q is not a person, Q is a Security clearance. We are not QAnon, we are global citizens who believe that life is given by God, and that God has come to the end of his patience with those who have harmed innocent children and animals. So, believe in God or believe in evil demonic forces because those are your only two choices.
It has been very very hard to let go of people who already let go of me - but, then again, they are ruled by evil demonic forces that I cannot allow to ruin my life anymore. I can only pray for an 11th-hour reprieve through grace. That's all that will save them.
Just my .02 cents.
Thank you so much for sharing your story & I keep praying that more wake up to our awful situation.
I have read WAY too many esoteric books & information over the years. When others ask why my God would allow evil to happen I ask if they want what ancient societies believed, or what my opinion is after lots of study. Ultimately it is the same answer (and I could certainly be wrong). I need to find the book I first found it in and find the exact quote (rarely do I see someone else post this so I haven't created a copy paste, I really should).
Ultimately there are some oral traditions & ancient texts that claim that this world is a trial/testing/proving ground & that lucifer was allowed to have control here to show that his ideas would work. The details differ in each account, but the overall message was that God allows evil to play out so that all of his other creations, in his worlds without end, will have proof that his plan is what is needed in all worlds that he created & not Lucifer's/the devil's/Satan's plan.
According to those accounts this world, & God's children/himans here, all agreed that we would go & take part in this trial to prove that God was right & he would save us in the end.
Again, I read way too much esoteric information, though it all seems to line up with the plan that we will have Jesus save us soon & gives me faith that we are still on track.
Q simply lined up with too many prophecies & has shown too frequently, IMO, that they are doing all they can to help save as many souls as possible before the end.
Their ability to see the "game" board, like a master chess player, and play from the end result backwards to compel their opponents into predictable moves just solidified how well they know the opposition.
I was always under the impression that there were less than 10 Q members with only a few that were non military. Where did you come up with the 40?
I’ve had that same suspicion/opinion for some time now as well.
Here’s another one for you - what does an infinite, all-powerful God lack?
So we are put here, with free will, so that He can experience life in a way that wouldn’t otherwise be possible, with us hopefully coming to the realization of Truth and coming to recognize and esteem the fullness and righteousness of His holy plan.
We are All Yuh A(re) Hym and He is us.
Psalm 82:6
We then can come to walk in fellowship with Him in a relationship between our limited understanding, as children, while He walks with us and guides us as a Father in Righteousness that is beyond our understanding, which we are then blessed with to walk out with our own sons and daughters and wives as we come to understand the blessings and tribulations of doing so. Our spouse did something to us out of defiance, haughtiness, and selfishness that caused us great grief? That’s us with God! Our child disobeyed us for the 30th time and stupidly broke something of great value? That’s us with God! Then turn and forgive, seventy times seven, for as we judge we shall be judged.
Meanwhile, if he doesn’t allow evil to act, for one we don’t actually have free will, and for two there’s no contrast between His righteousness and the absence of it. Like watching a “TV show” on a TV where the screen is either all white, or all black, and there’s no fluctuation in the output of the audio. A simple lightbulb can write that story. Instead He’s given us The Greatest Story Ever Told!
Thinking about it in terms of LED screens, none of the individual pixels could understand how they each play a part in the whole unless they could see/begin to understand a picture larger than themselves.
Thank you for prompting this analogy!
Someone made a song for that one!
I loved this movie! My favorite song is When You Believe. So may great renditions, though I think I am most partial to Peter Hollen version, though looking for links I forgot how much I also love the One Voice version.
One Voice
Peter Hollens (nuts I forgot his was a Mashup that I originally heard)
Well now I discovered Mat & Savanah Shaw!
Hard to choose a favorite, they all are amazing & have reasons to choose them.