Joe Rogan & JD Vance interview dropped on Spotify
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And yet none of them will get hired when graduated. Nobody wants to work with them. They bring drama and make everything about them.
I think we’ll see a lot of broken families, suicides and double homicides (trans people killing their parents for this) in the future.
Correct, I know one. He's been fired like 1700 times even though he's a brilliant software programmer.
GOD, nail it so succintly, every time. It's why I always wish I were your next door neighbor. :) But are so on the mark about NOBODY wanting to work with these privillged, selfish little motherfuckers...and yes, creating WAY too much drama. This is exactly why I can't wait to retire in a year and some change. :/
Wish you were my neighbor too! But yeah nobody wants to have to walk on egg shells around these people.