In 2020, there were 168.4M registered voters of which an impossible 94% "voted." Trump had 74.2M votes legit. If 80% truly voted (still hard to believe), then Biden truly got only 60M votes instead of his 81M votes, which means 21M were fake votes. By this math, if DJT gets 84M, it's cheat proof.
Stop the marginal algorithms where Trump gets .75 per ballot and the Kommies get 1.25 per ballot and its all over but the rioting, border runs and suicides. At least so far as the Presidential vote is concerned.
Their fraud requires that both the algorithms and the street level fraud work in harmony. If either one fails, or is even mitigated, they lose because the real vote is so heavily weighted towards Trump and Patriots.
I think this is what happened in 2016 with the algorithms being shut down. It surprised the rats and they redoubled their ground game fraud in 2020. Thats why they overshot their target and Biden ended up with a completely unbelievable 81 million votes.
I am not concerned one bit about them stealing the Presidency again. My worries lie with them stealing the House. I think the rats are resigned to the fact Trump will win and have planned accordingly. They have been signalling this for a while now. Recall Raskins comments several months ago about the certification.
And there are many newly minted Trump voters who still dont like him but are gritting their teeth and voting for him anyway because Kommielala is such a disaster. But will these people make it easier for the rats to steal House races by voting Trump but voting rat down ballot in the hopes of keeping Trump in check? Could we possibly see an inversion of 2020 on the fraudulent ballots where the House candidates are chosen and Presidential left blank?
It is from the House they will run their certification/14th Amendment ops. If they take a majority of the States in the House they can cause great havoc. If the House refuses to certify and then they vote in Kommielala what recourse does Trump and the Patriots have that wont align with the predominant propaganda that Trump will take it by force? I hope and pray Team Trump and the Patriots are paying as close attention to the House races as they are to the Presidential race. Its in the House this war will be won or lost.
Ill be watching the House races on Tuesday.