I was a MN alternate elector ready to step up nd vote for Ron if called upon to vote.
He was running against NO NAME for the Republican nomination. What I witnessed from the “Party” was sickening. All the Paul supporters (and there were many) were 100% sidelined and none allowed to speak. It was at that time I experienced the brokenness — the corruption in our system so clearly in front of me. I have actually never called myself a republican since.
Getting chills thinking about the staff that Trump will put together.
I was there also in Michigan. I got my name on the ballot, made in to the convention floor as a alternate delegate. After calling out several delegates names that never showed up, Iwas the last person called on to voice my nomination of Ron Paul as the Republican candidate. Then the media tried to stop Paul by refusing him air time and pushing him out of the debates.
Bringing Ron Paul in to Audit and END THE FED sounds like another winning move by the MAGA Train. Give Ron his day to fulfill his dream, I will grab some more popcorn.
OMG Hell Yeah!!
Ron Paul was an BIG early part of my awakening!
I was a MN alternate elector ready to step up nd vote for Ron if called upon to vote. He was running against NO NAME for the Republican nomination. What I witnessed from the “Party” was sickening. All the Paul supporters (and there were many) were 100% sidelined and none allowed to speak. It was at that time I experienced the brokenness — the corruption in our system so clearly in front of me. I have actually never called myself a republican since.
Getting chills thinking about the staff that Trump will put together.
I was there also in Michigan. I got my name on the ballot, made in to the convention floor as a alternate delegate. After calling out several delegates names that never showed up, Iwas the last person called on to voice my nomination of Ron Paul as the Republican candidate. Then the media tried to stop Paul by refusing him air time and pushing him out of the debates.
Bringing Ron Paul in to Audit and END THE FED sounds like another winning move by the MAGA Train. Give Ron his day to fulfill his dream, I will grab some more popcorn.
When they cut his mic at the debates…
At this point I’m wondering if that was part of the op too, given Giuliani’s current role.
This thing is all so wild!!