My fam has two different versions of what happened to me as a child. Mom told me I had been brought back after a terrible rollover where my father landed on me & eemveryone thought I had been ejected from the vehicle until paramedics got my father out.
My dad has always said he thought I was just knocked unconscious.
Neither of them saw the bearded doctor in a white coat/robe that touched my head & told me everything would be okay & I could just go back to sleep. I had never felt so much peace in my life until I was much older & started to study & apply biblical covenants to my life.
I wish I would have asked that doctor his name. He looked so much like many of the pictures of Jesus, though there are many dark haired bearded men.
Thanks for sharing this. I am excited to see what the future holds & the biblical events that are right around the corner.
As I young child (7-8) I had dreams/visions of being alive when the world changed/ended as we knew it. Didn’t know how to describe things being young and didn’t have those dreams when I got older but the memory has been with me my whole life (63 now) that the world would significantly change in my lifetime.
Then in 1997 I was in an auto accident (out of the country) and should not have lived according to the doctors once back in the US. The first night after the accident while in (poor excuse for) the hospital in another country, I had dreams of sitting and talking with a bearded man in a white robe in an area with only a bright warm light and feeling peaceful.
Unfortunately I do not remember the full conversation but I do remember being told it was not my time and there was more to do in this life first. I was really messed up physically and after returning to the US (36 hrs later), having multiple surgeries and over a year of different physical therapies, I was able to fully recover with a good mental state of mind because I knew there more for me to do and I would fully recover.
The closer we get to the election the more those childhood feelings/dreams/visions are starting again. I can’t see the future to know “what” happens but I can feel that it will be significant and will change the future landscape. Interestingly, instead of being anxious about the coming days/weeks, I have an overwhelming sense of calm. I can’t talk to anyone in my circle about this (for fear of being put in a mental hospital) so have carried these thoughts alone but knew I would be safe sharing here.
My friends & family are amazed at the peace I feel about the current time.
I was raised to seek truth anywhere I could find it. After reading & studying multiple religious texts (variety of religions & oral traditions) it seems that everything is lining up for America to take back our heritage & help pull the world out of darkness.
We still have a journey ahead of us, and it may get darker before we see the new golden age (precipice?), though I believe it will all work out if we focus on correcting course (call it repentance if you like) and focusing on correct principles and living as God wants us to.
I heard God tell me about a vaccine like the flu shot that he called poison when I was young, this was likely 20 years ago now. I also heard that everyone would be pushed to get it and it should kill my siblings that would take it. I prayed against that and I’m at peace about this. The deception was key to them taking this vaccine I knew.
My fam has two different versions of what happened to me as a child. Mom told me I had been brought back after a terrible rollover where my father landed on me & eemveryone thought I had been ejected from the vehicle until paramedics got my father out.
My dad has always said he thought I was just knocked unconscious.
Neither of them saw the bearded doctor in a white coat/robe that touched my head & told me everything would be okay & I could just go back to sleep. I had never felt so much peace in my life until I was much older & started to study & apply biblical covenants to my life.
I wish I would have asked that doctor his name. He looked so much like many of the pictures of Jesus, though there are many dark haired bearded men.
Thanks for sharing this. I am excited to see what the future holds & the biblical events that are right around the corner.
As I young child (7-8) I had dreams/visions of being alive when the world changed/ended as we knew it. Didn’t know how to describe things being young and didn’t have those dreams when I got older but the memory has been with me my whole life (63 now) that the world would significantly change in my lifetime.
Then in 1997 I was in an auto accident (out of the country) and should not have lived according to the doctors once back in the US. The first night after the accident while in (poor excuse for) the hospital in another country, I had dreams of sitting and talking with a bearded man in a white robe in an area with only a bright warm light and feeling peaceful.
Unfortunately I do not remember the full conversation but I do remember being told it was not my time and there was more to do in this life first. I was really messed up physically and after returning to the US (36 hrs later), having multiple surgeries and over a year of different physical therapies, I was able to fully recover with a good mental state of mind because I knew there more for me to do and I would fully recover.
The closer we get to the election the more those childhood feelings/dreams/visions are starting again. I can’t see the future to know “what” happens but I can feel that it will be significant and will change the future landscape. Interestingly, instead of being anxious about the coming days/weeks, I have an overwhelming sense of calm. I can’t talk to anyone in my circle about this (for fear of being put in a mental hospital) so have carried these thoughts alone but knew I would be safe sharing here.
My friends & family are amazed at the peace I feel about the current time.
I was raised to seek truth anywhere I could find it. After reading & studying multiple religious texts (variety of religions & oral traditions) it seems that everything is lining up for America to take back our heritage & help pull the world out of darkness.
We still have a journey ahead of us, and it may get darker before we see the new golden age (precipice?), though I believe it will all work out if we focus on correcting course (call it repentance if you like) and focusing on correct principles and living as God wants us to.
I heard God tell me about a vaccine like the flu shot that he called poison when I was young, this was likely 20 years ago now. I also heard that everyone would be pushed to get it and it should kill my siblings that would take it. I prayed against that and I’m at peace about this. The deception was key to them taking this vaccine I knew.
This is beautiful. I loved reading this!
You are very welcome. I know our Savior lives & that seeking God is the way out of this. I am so excited to see what happen in the coming years.