At this point, I will believe it when I see it. How many J6 prisoners are rotting in their cells? How many thousands (millions?) of people have been vax-injured or killed? How many tens of thousands of Americans are hurt because of our open southern border. If there is devolution...then Trump's been in charge this entire time, right?
They (J6ers) will all be millionaires by the time this is all over and their captors will be doing time along with those who made the decisions to jail them . It will be glorious.....
I pray for the Jan 6 prisoners BUT I GUARANTEE YOU...
THE Washington DC Federal Police Force will be done away with, charged with undue imprisonment-beating, deprivation of rights, withholding life-saving drugs INCLUDING a triplegic veteran AND lying...then the Judge who "sentenced" them, the prosecutor, the jailors and all the way down the line. and the prison closed for good...
NOTE: The 6 January Prisoners will be able to get their lives back from the money that is going to be coming from the Washington DC establishment, from the Mayor all the way down to the jailers!!!!!!
It's going to suck being in the bear trap for the DC pols and police!!!!!!
Do you remember when the J-6ers were not allowed to shave, brush their teeth, get a hair cut or cut their finger and toe nails is they were not vaxed. I know that sounds petty compared to what else they endured, but it still broke my heart.
THE Washington DC Federal Police Force will be done away with, charged with undue imprisonment-beating, deprivation of rights, withholding life-saving drugs INCLUDING a triplegic veteran AND lying...then the Judge who "sentenced" them, the prosecutor, the jailors and all the way down the line. and the prison closed for good...
At this point, I will believe it when I see it. How many J6 prisoners are rotting in their cells? How many thousands (millions?) of people have been vax-injured or killed? How many tens of thousands of Americans are hurt because of our open southern border. If there is devolution...then Trump's been in charge this entire time, right?
They (J6ers) will all be millionaires by the time this is all over and their captors will be doing time along with those who made the decisions to jail them . It will be glorious.....
That's what you believe. Good for you. Not me. I will believe it when I see it.
I pray for the Jan 6 prisoners BUT I GUARANTEE YOU...
THE Washington DC Federal Police Force will be done away with, charged with undue imprisonment-beating, deprivation of rights, withholding life-saving drugs INCLUDING a triplegic veteran AND lying...then the Judge who "sentenced" them, the prosecutor, the jailors and all the way down the line. and the prison closed for good...
NOTE: The 6 January Prisoners will be able to get their lives back from the money that is going to be coming from the Washington DC establishment, from the Mayor all the way down to the jailers!!!!!!
It's going to suck being in the bear trap for the DC pols and police!!!!!!
Do you remember when the J-6ers were not allowed to shave, brush their teeth, get a hair cut or cut their finger and toe nails is they were not vaxed. I know that sounds petty compared to what else they endured, but it still broke my heart.
I sincerely doubt this.
Hold the line fren!
You appear to have no fucking clue what has been going on.
A devolved leader is not in total control, and can only operate at the margins to prevent various red lines from being crossed.