We currently have a post stickied highlighting Elon Musk boosting Pizzagate one day before the Election. He also boosted a Q video.
I believe there is an important and serious reason for this tweet from Musk. ("Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here" Q (?))
Just how close Musk is/was to the Q operation, or just how much he knows about it, I think a LOT more will come out post-election.
Think about it.
~ No 1. Department of Defense contractor during the 1st Trump Administration.
~ Is an Autist Supreme
~ Managed to 'acquire' the most significant Social Media platform for news dissemination by .... "a corporate takeover" (or was it acquired under an executive order and then handed to Musk as the public story?)
~ Came from "the Left" (Darling of the Left) but has increasingly spoken out for Patriotic and Freedom Movement principles since getting Twitter
~ Posted many Q-related themes, memes and items in the first 1~2 years of the X era
~ In the final months before the 2024 election, went ALL IN on Trump (was this timing all planned? Personally, I'd bet money it was...)
In my opinion, Musk is being much more open and direct in synch with Trump and the whole 2024 election. Trump has been speaking very directly that those who cheat in the election will get what is coming to them. He never said anything like that in 2020. Only that they would steal it. Likewise, Musk is taking the opportunity to be more open and direct about core Great Awakening issues, like pizzagate, etc.
Also, does anyone think that the ROGAN podcast situation is just coincidental?
NEUTRAL >> DJT Podcast >> Elon Podcast >>> Rogan Endorsing Trump
So, timing wise, it's no small thing that Musk just boosted a pizzagate theme. Much more to come.
I'm surprised that Elon chose this particular tweet to repost. I do not doubt that Elon knows what is what (he's been undercover for LONG time, but he knows Q as well as anyone. I mean that), nor do I doubt that Pizzagate is 100% real (not much doubt about that!)
Sadly, the image shot in the reposted tweet looks suspiciously familiar. The formatting, the over-the-top headline, the juxtaposition of the images.
One simple web search shows its REAL source:
The People's Voice
Here it is:
So let's just separate some FACT from FICTION.
Here is the reality:
Slade Sohmer was arrested for child pornography crimes. His messaging apps apparently include some very grizzly stuff:
Investigators uncovered messages on Sohmer's Telegram, an encrypted app, that involved discussions, some in graphic detail, of luring, kidnapping and raping children, prosecutors said. They noted that investigators believe there are more images of child sexual abuse on messaging apps connected to Sohmer, including his Telegram and Snapchat.
The 44-year-old Sohmer was reportedly released on $100,000 bail on Monday after being charged in a Massachusetts court. He allegedly possessed and distributed “hundreds of child pornography images and videos.”
This was November 2023.
Berkshire District Attorney Press Release
"John Podesta's Friend, Who 'Debunked' Pizzagate, Arrested for Raping Toddlers" TPV
Think about it. If this was true, don't you think that EVERYONE would have heard about it? That anons would have made certain that the whole Great Awakening knew about it?
I'm not saying he didn't rape children (we do not know at this point), but it's NOT a fact that he was arrested for raping children.
The ONLY update I could find was from The Bearkshire Eagle, 8 days ago, which starts:
The criminal case against former editor Slade Sohmer remains pending in Berkshire Superior Court as attorneys review thousands of child ....
Can't see the rest, as the article is behind a paywall.
Why did Elon Boost a fake story? Some possible explanations (no, none of them include TPV being a reasonable, good or even white hat operation. That ship has sailed.)
ONE: Musk might have been simply too busy to bother with checking the facts on this one. His priority being boosting certain themes at this time, and this particular tweet was simply in the right place at the right time.
In other words, Musk needed something Pizzagate related, and simply went with this without checking if it was true
TWO: Musk needed something Pizzagate related, and used this tweet and fake news because it serves the purpose of NARRATIVE WARFARE just at this particular time.
This would be a case of using the enemy's weapons against them. Fake false story, BUT it serves the purpose of NARRATIVE WARFARE at this moment.
THREE: Musk himself is not posting everything on his X account, which is clearly being used in the information war. So perhaps a staff member posted this, again for either a) or b) above.
Musk is boosting Pizzagate and also Q just prior to the election. There is an important reason for that. But we still need to be vigilant against fake news and disinformation operations. They are a cancer to the Truth Movement and the Great Awakening. IMO.
Musk is operating on a whole different level to any anons out there. So, I think it's fair to not go overboard on the "He's sharing fake news!" angle. HOWEVER, there is still the potential for unawake normies to be dissuaded from truth if and when they find out that this TPV story is a lie.
In my opinion, as digital warriors, anons have two core missions:
One is to uncover the truth and push it out there, for the purposes of the Great Awakening
Another is to fight in the information war, in narrative warfare, which is also a pyswar, using memes and psychologically powerful messaging.
The former is, I believe, the more critical and key element, because truth is ultimately what sets a person free. We understand that in 5G warfare, information can be distorted, and memetic instruments are powerful, but in the end, we cannot sacrifice TRUTH without suffering certain setbacks.
For that reason, I think it is valid to appreciate what Musk is doing here, but it is also valid to acknowledge and recognize that the information in this case is fake and false.
Ultimately, fake and false news are toxic, and this is why disinformation websites like ThePeople'sVoice are poisonous: they post crap clickbait fake news, distort the Awakening and poison the well of truth.
They are part of the disease. Anons are called by Q to be the antidote.
Further Research
Here is the original tweet Musk retweeted:
interesting reading, the comments etc.
Apologia: Everyone knows that the Entree should come before the Main Dish, but in this case, I think the Main Dish should be highlighted.
The story that Sohmer was arrested for raping toddlers and babies is false. He was arrested for possession of Child pornography.
The story that Sohmer was arrested for child porn-related offenses is true.
That is why the story that he "was arrested for raping children" was NOT taken up by anons, in general. Because its rubbish and disinformation.
It's perfectly designed to trick people into believing disinfo, spreading it, and then having it conveniently debunked by the Cabal "fact checkers".
A certain percentage of folks in the great awakening (of which GAW is probably less than 1%) get suckered in by this sort of disinfo operation, but by and large, not most. On some occasions, however, they can break through, as was the case when Hannity even got suckered in.
I think I've done my homework. I've done dozens, if not hundreds of hours of research into The People's Voice, their background, origins, methods, evolution, etc.
Perhaps these are the posts you are thinking of?
Note that these posts actually report the facts, not the fake TPV story that he was arrested for raping toddlers.
Yeah, those are the posts I was referring to. I guess My point was that you didn't focus more on the fact that the anons here did get it right. Good work though. I know you put in a lot of effort fren. Not trying to discount that at all.
Thank you, Lunar China Bear.
My reason for mentioning that anons (globally) did not promote the story that "he was arrested for raping toddlers" was to emphasize how fake that narrative is, and not to suggest in any way that our frogs or other frogs did not catch the real story, was that a radicalized media scumbag who 'debunked' pizzagate was arrested for child porn offenses with a massive hoard of CP material, some of which he appears to have been involved in creating.
As you remembered (well done) yes, the real story WAS identified and even posted here at GAW.
I envy your memory skillz.
agree, Elon is a jester, putting out such information to stir the pot & get people talking. It also filters out the excellent readers, it's a strategy to see who's paying attention, and to get people to pay attention in the future🐸
I can't find it now, but there's a fun video of a teacher tricking the class by hiding info in the syllabus to see who reads it...
only 3 students did, and they each received a candy prize.
I'm not confident that I have enough info (data) to even guess exactly what Musk was doing here. Did he simply not recognize that the [image] information is a fake story? Did he know that it is and decide to use it to promote a theme he thought important? Was the post actually elon himself, even, or staff?
Unless I have enough information, I'm not going to settle on any conclusion. Perhaps I simply have a high threshold for verification?