Not one person. Many people have devoted many hours to this topic. Or the exact day of his crucifixion. Far more important is to understand the complexity of the Scriptures. If you want something more substantive, look up archaeological records and proofs of the Bible. There’s some really cool stuff there. Like Antioch in the region and basing it on the timeline of the writing, the small window where Antioch was part of X___ region, when the letter was written, but before and after, it was in a different region (by name not location). The exact region details slip my mind at present. But the additional claim to the validity of the scriptures gives that work much value. What value is there in claiming to know what day Jesus was born, which than expands to day of conception (which if immaculately conceived, does that follow the normal timeline? Is it worth investing time into such a thing). I say this because you can never really know a lot of these details. You must make assumptions. If the end result was belief in Jesus, it would be worthwhile. If the end result is random arguments about this day or that day, I guess I don’t really see the value. The importance of modern day Christmas to me, is that people’s hearts are opened to hearing the good news of Christ proclaimed. Which is of infinite worth than knowing what day we technically should celebrate Christmas. When we’ve solved 30,000 or 300,000 children being trafficked, maybe it would be worthwhile to investigate the origin story of Christmas. But there are much bigger fish to fry.
I genuinely believe that you can pinpoint the time of his birth down to the minute.
If it was some random day in 3 BC, then I would agree that it's not important. But it isn't. It's September 11, 3 BC, will coincides with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year on the first of Tishri on the Jewish calendar. It also coincides with the terror attack on 9/11/01, which was done by the state of Israel, which I expect Trump and Wikileaks to reveal any day now, maybe even tonight. Sep. 11, 3 BC also coincides with the Feast of Trumpets, and this is also not a coincidence, because Trump is the little horn of the book of Daniel (Trump is short for trumpet).
I understand why you would want to minimize this, but it's actually fascinating. I derive great pleasure from watching the stars line up perfectly to pinpoint the time of his birthday - it's an excellent Bible proof for skeptics or newbies.
If you think the stars are aligned now, wait until you learn about Jesus' birthday.
There are so many problems to solve in life that are more significant than this topic. I think people spend too much time on it. Here’s why:
No salvation value
No moral benefit
Purely a piece of interesting information if it’s correct
There's something ironic about taking out time and energy to complain about someone else sending too much time and energy on topic X.
Not one person. Many people have devoted many hours to this topic. Or the exact day of his crucifixion. Far more important is to understand the complexity of the Scriptures. If you want something more substantive, look up archaeological records and proofs of the Bible. There’s some really cool stuff there. Like Antioch in the region and basing it on the timeline of the writing, the small window where Antioch was part of X___ region, when the letter was written, but before and after, it was in a different region (by name not location). The exact region details slip my mind at present. But the additional claim to the validity of the scriptures gives that work much value. What value is there in claiming to know what day Jesus was born, which than expands to day of conception (which if immaculately conceived, does that follow the normal timeline? Is it worth investing time into such a thing). I say this because you can never really know a lot of these details. You must make assumptions. If the end result was belief in Jesus, it would be worthwhile. If the end result is random arguments about this day or that day, I guess I don’t really see the value. The importance of modern day Christmas to me, is that people’s hearts are opened to hearing the good news of Christ proclaimed. Which is of infinite worth than knowing what day we technically should celebrate Christmas. When we’ve solved 30,000 or 300,000 children being trafficked, maybe it would be worthwhile to investigate the origin story of Christmas. But there are much bigger fish to fry.
I genuinely believe that you can pinpoint the time of his birth down to the minute.
If it was some random day in 3 BC, then I would agree that it's not important. But it isn't. It's September 11, 3 BC, will coincides with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year on the first of Tishri on the Jewish calendar. It also coincides with the terror attack on 9/11/01, which was done by the state of Israel, which I expect Trump and Wikileaks to reveal any day now, maybe even tonight. Sep. 11, 3 BC also coincides with the Feast of Trumpets, and this is also not a coincidence, because Trump is the little horn of the book of Daniel (Trump is short for trumpet).
I understand why you would want to minimize this, but it's actually fascinating. I derive great pleasure from watching the stars line up perfectly to pinpoint the time of his birthday - it's an excellent Bible proof for skeptics or newbies.