That’s actually kinda sad. I just believe people should be able to utilize the plant matter without fear from the government. Glad I live in a state that offers both medical and recreational.
EXCEPT: I don't want to get a damned contact high smelling it while walking around in public OR (as crazy as it sounds but true) rolling down I-95 behind someone hardcore toking at 6am going to work. It's seriously f'd up... especially if you have clearance and random screening..."sure buddy... second hand... riiiiiight"
Same. 95 is crazy enough at 6am. I work with a few "recreational," aka everyday users. Not a good thing in my profession. If the general public knew, there'd be hell to pay.
That’s actually kinda sad. I just believe people should be able to utilize the plant matter without fear from the government. Glad I live in a state that offers both medical and recreational.
Yep... I agree
EXCEPT: I don't want to get a damned contact high smelling it while walking around in public OR (as crazy as it sounds but true) rolling down I-95 behind someone hardcore toking at 6am going to work. It's seriously f'd up... especially if you have clearance and random screening..."sure buddy... second hand... riiiiiight"
Same. 95 is crazy enough at 6am. I work with a few "recreational," aka everyday users. Not a good thing in my profession. If the general public knew, there'd be hell to pay.
i'd rather go to jail for weed than see kamala elected. hands down.
Be glad. It ruined Colorado
Not all pot users are liberal. Not even close.
Agree but the libs came for pot to CO.
One could argue that going blue ruined Colorado
Many believe the influx of pot heads turned the state blue!
Has anyone seen the Kill baby bill standing ?
Soooo the price will be $25 a gram instead of $1.50 and only criminals and government will get paid. The weed isn’t going anywhere...